He Shall Not Fail……

No Grace but Free and Sovereign Grace

Grant Swart

There is no grace but free and sovereign grace, no election but eternal and unconditional election, no redemption but particular and effectual redemption, no salvation but by the irresistible grace and omnipotent power of God the Holy Spirit, and no security but by the absolute preservation of God’s immutable goodness.

And any pretended gospel that does not proclaim these things is, as Paul says, “another gospel” that is damning to the souls of men.            


The Greatest Evil in this World

Grant Swart

Man-centered, works-based, freewill religion — call it by any name you will — is the single greatest evil in this world. . . and is the greatest cause of evil in this world.

The good works of religion without Christ are the most abominable evils imaginable. . . Man-centered, freewill works-religion robs God of His glory, tramples underfoot the blood of Jesus Christ, does despite to the Spirit Of Grace, and gradually abases society to its lowest, most contemptible state. . . ‘Evil workers,’ as Paul describes them in this context, are Arminians — freewillers, legalists — people who teach that God’s salvation depends on, or is in some way determined by, man: ‘evil workers.’

Don Fortner

Ephesians 2:8-9King James Version

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.


Grant Swart

Alles tevergeefs, sê die Prediker, alles tevergeefs, dit is alles tevergeefs! (Prediker 1:2). Die Hebreeuse woord vir “ydelheid” word hier vertaal as “alles tevergeefs”, en beteken letterlik “damp” of “asem”. Dit kan ook as “betekenisloos”, “leegheid” of “nutteloosheid” vertaal word. Die prediker hierin is Koning Salomo, en hy vertel ons dat, nadat hy alles wat die wereld kan aanbied ondersoek het, hy bevind het dat dit alles betekenisloos is. Dit is nutteloos om wereldse doele na te jaag, want hulle verdwyn almal met ons laaste asem. Daardie grondslag help ons om te verstaan hoe die woord ydelheid op ander wyses in die Bybel gebruik word.

In die Griekse Bybelteks is die woord vir ydelheid “kenodoxia”, wat letterlik “leë heerlikheid” beteken. Dit beliggaam die oortuiging dat ‘n mens verdien om bewonder te word as gevolg van ‘n mens se vermeende voortreflike skoonheid, krag, status, talent of voorneme.

Romeine 8:20 sê dat die hele skepping aan nietigheid onderwerp is as gevolg van God se vloek. Toe Adam gesondig het, het God alles vervloek wat Hy gemaak het (Genesis 3:17–19). Met ander woorde, perfeksie het verlore gegaan. Ydelheid bring mee dat die mens daardie perfeksie self weer wil najaag. Die hele skepping skiet nou tekort aan sy oorspronklike doel; eerder as om in harmonie met God te werk, het bewoners van die aarde op mekaar en teen God gedraai. Ons steier steeds van die gevolge van daardie vloek. Alles wat bedoel was om reg en uitstekend te wees, is onderstebo. Die chaos en waansin van die wêreld soos ons dit ken, is te wyte aan die feit dat God die skepping aan nietigheid onderwerp het (Romeine 8:21).

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A Remnant



“Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.” (Isaiah 1:9)

The Apostle Paul tells us that among the fallen, depraved, lost, condemned ruins of humanity “there is a remnant according to the election of grace” (Romans 11:5). And he assures us that that “remnant shall be saved” (Romans 9:27).

With men a remnant is something leftover, waste material, material for which there is no plan, purpose, or intended use. With God it is exactly opposite. God’s remnant is the kernel; everything else is husk. God’s remnant is that for which all things were planned and purposed. Without that elect remnant, everything else would be useless.

It was true in Isaiah’s time and it is true today, that the Church and people of the living God are a poor, needy remnant, a remnant scattered among the nations, an elect remnant, a redeemed remnant, a protected remnant, but a remnant still. We are God’s remnant in Christ’s hands, under Christ’s care.  The God of all grace deals with a remnant. He seeks a remnant. He builds his house with a remnant. His treasure is a remnant.

This remnant is Christ’s seed in the earth that shall serve him, the generation accounted to the Lord to serve him (Psalm 22:30), Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. — The remnant is God’s elect, Continue reading

The BIBLICAL Role Of A Woman

I was given the links to these two short video clips, by a friend and and sister in Jesus Christ. This one of the best biblical explanations concerning the place and role of the woman in the church and as a Christian wife and  mother. I thought it good enough to share with you all. There might be somebody out there who would benefit from better understanding our place and role in a Biblical sense. It is also our duty to adhere to the Word and it clearly spells out what the Lord expects of women.

In today’s post-modern society with women’s liberation movements world wide it is not correct for us to agree with and adhere to the world, but to follow our Lord’s instructions. The teaching of the Apostle Paul spells it out so clearly in his words in 1Tim 2:12  “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet”. Often I have encountered women who say that this verse indicates to them that women should be reduced to being pregnant and in the kitchen, and be a slave to her husband although this is not at all what Scripture tells us. It is my prayer that these short clips bring joy and peace to the hearts of those women who do not understand this teaching. Blessings in His name. Elmarie

To see the video clips ….

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In the church and kingdom of God there are no female preachers

woman in desert

“A Prophetess”

Luke 2:36

God almighty is never put in a bind. He is never compelled by circumstances to change his mind, or alter his purpose. With regard to the salvation of his elect, God’s purpose is crystal clear. There is a multitude of sinners in this world, scattered through all the nations of the world, whom God has chosen to save from eternity (Eph. 1:3-6). The Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed that chosen multitude by the shedding of his blood and obtained eternal redemption for them (Gal. 3:13; Heb. 9:12). At the appointed time of love, God the Holy Spirit will regenerate and call each of those chosen, redeemed sinners, by effectual, irresistible grace, creating life and faith in them (Psa. 65:4). The means by which he will do this is the preaching of the gospel (1 Pet. 1:23-25). And those by whom God is pleased to send the gospel, through the world, are men, Continue reading


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Romans 1:28-32
I cannot imagine any crime against another person which is more cowardly, despicable, and inexcusable than slander and gossip – backbiting. While such behavior is common and expected among the reprobate, there is no place for it in the kingdom of God.
Many who look down their noses with scorn upon fornicators, adulterers, and whoremongers, are guilty of this hideous offense. They think nothing of slandering another, attempting to murder his character, indeed, they seize every opportunity to do so. If Romans 1:28-32 means anything, it means that such people do not know God. Their character is the character of the reprobate. Backbiting men and women are proud, envious, little rebels, people who cannot be trusted in any area of life.
They are the pawns of Satan, used to disrupt the peace of God’s church and kingdom. Continue reading




And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. (Acts 5:42 )

That which separates the truth from a mere religion is that the truth concerns a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. This may seem a trite and worn out phrase, but it is true that salvation is a Person, not a doctrine. The longer I preach, the more I see the importance this distinction.

There are doubtless many who would find fault with such a generalization saying that one cannot preach without preaching doctrine. In this they would be correct, for doctrine is simply teaching. I would be impossible to preach the Person without preaching doctrine. However, it is quite easy to preach doctrine and never preach the Person.

Allow me to illustrate: Truth is, in some ways like a jigsaw puzzle. A jigsaw puzzle is made of many parts, each one important. The puzzle could not be complete if any individual part were missing. Yet, we all realize that the value of such a puzzle does not lie in the individual pieces, but in the image that is made when all these pieces are joined together in their proper relationship. Even though an unassembled jigsaw puzzle contains the very same materials and pieces as an assembled one, we recognize that there is a great difference between the two: the assembled puzzle gives us an image, a picture to enjoy. An unassembled puzzle is just a box of cardboard pieces.

The truth of God is similar: It is made of many parts, each one important. Yet the value of these parts lies not in themselves, but in the image they create when “assembled” through preaching. All the doctrines of the Scriptures are pieces of a Divine “puzzle” which, when assembled, provide us with an image of the Lord Jesus. One may emphasise the various individual “pieces” of this puzzle, and become quite expert in them, and never see the image which they were designed to create. As the Lord said to the Pharisees:

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39) Continue reading

New Pocketsize Edition – Discovering Christ Day by Day

Pastor Fortner’s Devotional


Discovering Christ

Day by Day


New Pocketsize Edition

From GO Publications


This is a beautiful soft-bound tan/brown edition designed to slip in a purse or jacket pocket. It includes a place marking ribbon and a gift presentation page.

New Pocketsize Edition

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“What Do Ye More Than Others?”    


Matthew 5:47

Let it be clearly established that we who believe are justified by grace alone, in Christ alone, through faith alone,without the works of the law.The Lord Jesus Christ earned and obtained justification for all his people by his obedience to God as our Representative and by his sin-atoning death as our Substitute (Heb. 9:12; Rom. 4:25). We were legally reconciled to God in justification by the death of his Son (Rom.5:10). Justification is also an act of God’s free grace (Rom. 3:24) Continue reading

Biblical Doubts?

Doubt cat & lion

Tom Hill

“Who first coined the saying ‘A camel is a horse designed by a committee’? I don’t know, but I expect it was the same person who said ‘An elephant is a mouse designed to government specifications’.” (1)

This bit of trivia induces laughter. However, French philosopher Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) applied this saying to truth. It developed into the creed for our culture today.

He declared that truth results as a product of a consensus of values. His declaration fostered a revolution in the nature and formulation of truth claims. Now, culture believes that all claims of truth develop within a group or culture, not from an objective standard. Ironically, no standard converted into the standard.

Cultural Truth Claims

Baudrillard’s theory developed into today’s benchmark for truth claims with far reaching effects. It brings us to the following conclusions:

  • the rejection of any objective standard for determining truth claims;
  • the belief of many interpretations of “truth”, i.e., every group and culture possesses its own “truth”; and
  • the rejection of any one explanation of life as THE truth.

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The Gospel Defined

Text:            Romans 1:1-7, 16-17

Subject:       Paul’s Definition of the Gospel

Date:            Sunday Morning – April 23 , 2000 (The Audio is dated 2/2/2014 ) 

Tape #         V-79a

Reading:      Romans 1:1-17



Should you go to the street corner of any city in this country and ask those who passed by, or stand upon the doorsteps of almost any church building and ask folks as they left the church house this morning, “What is the gospel?” you would get a different answer from almost every person. Almost all people define the gospel by their own experiences, thoughts, and emotions, by their church creed, or by an opinion handed down to them by someone else. The vast majority of men and women are not terribly dogmatic about what the gospel is, and acknowledge that one person’s opinion, or one churches teaching is really as good as another.


However, if you open the Word of God, you will very quickly discover that this blessed Book everywhere asserts that there is only one gospel, and that every rival gospel is a false gospel. Granted, the gospel is called by many different names in the New Testament.


  • The Gospel of God
  • The Gospel of the Kingdom
  • The Gospel of Christ
  • The Gospel of the Grace of God
  • The Gospel of Peace
  • The Glorious Gospel of Christ
  • The Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God


Still, there is but one gospel, one gospel which we must believe, if we would be saved. All other gospels are false gospels and, therefore, no gospel at all. The Apostle Paul tells us plainly that all who preach a false gospel are false prophets, and all who believe a false gospel are damned by the gospel they believe. Continue reading

Kettery: onvergeefbare sonde


*Grant Swart

Nog nooit in die geskiedenis het ‘n uitvinder of ontwerper van valse leringe hom bekeer tot die Christendom nie – ‘n sonde van daardie aard is veels te groot, want dit is die opperste vorm van godslastering en dit is ‘n sonde teen die Heilige Gees. Dit is juis waarom God toelaat dat uitvinders en ontwerpers van valse leringe se harte en sinne verhard word. Dienooreenkomstig word die woorde van Jes 6:9,10 vervul: En Hy het gespreek: Gaan sê aan hierdie volk: Hoor altyddeur, maar verstaan nie, en sien altyddeur, maar bemerk nie. Maak die hart van hierdie volk vet en maak hulle ore swaar en bestryk hulle oë, sodat hulle nie sien met hul oë en met hul ore nie hoor en hul hart nie verstaan nie, en hulle hul nie bekeer en gesond word nie.

Die Here Jesus het geen hoe priester ooit omskep en tot bekering gebring nie, maar hulle dissipels is wel omskep – mense soos Nikodemus, Josef, Paulus en ander soos hulle. Die profete van ouds het geen valse profeet ooit omskep na die Christendom nie. Selfs kon Paulus nooit enige valse profeet na die waarheid en lig van die Here Jesus Christus toe lei nie, maar hy het toepaslike aanwysings gegee: Aan ‘n man wat partyskap verwek, moet jy jou onttrek ná die eerste en tweede vermaning, wetende dat so iemand op ‘n verkeerde pad is en sonde doen en selfveroordeeld staan (Titus 3:10,11).

Dus kon selfs die heilige dokters nooit ‘n meester van kettery omskep het nie, nie omdat hulle Continue reading

Heretics Hard to Convert


The conversion of an inventor of false doctrine has never yet been heard of; for a sin such as this is too great, because it blasphemes God’s Word and sins against the Holy Ghost. This is why God lets inventors of false doctrine become hardened. Accordingly, the word of Is. 6:9 is fulfilled: With seeing eyes you shall not see, and with hearing ears you shall not hear; for the heart of this people is hardened. Continue reading