Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Preacher of Free Grace, or Religious Idiot?

Spurgeon Freeness-of-Grace

Grant Swart

Of course there are those who do not regard Charles Haddon Spurgeon as a preacher of solely the truth. Admittedly, no man can be perfect by his own means, and even perfect holiness is acceptable to God only through Jesus Christ. There are also those who ignorantly rummage about in the published works of Spurgeon in the hope that they will find some shards of support for their own deceived religious belief system, and thereby falsely portraying the famous and well-beloved preacher as a will-worshipping Arminian, like they themselves have been misled to be.

While many Christians have had the misfortune of making the acquaintance of some unrepentant religious idiots, nevertheless, they do exist in larger numbers and their written works proliferate throughout the digital media – their presence is evidenced clearly by the overabundance of their deceitful and misrepresentative contributions. Now, please don’t get me wrong, I do not refer to them as religious idiots because I regard my own capabilities as superior to theirs in any way. I would not dare do that, because in all honesty, many of them are highly intelligent people and some are even academic giants, with qualifications way beyond my own.

Neither do I refer to them as religious idiots because I harbour some form of hatred for them, quite to the contrary, I must have compassion for their lostness. Why would I resent them? For financial gain or for fame? No, I refer to them as religious idiots because they ascribe false man-made doctrines to the Scriptures and then they promote and cling to a damning form of religion, which is set worlds apart from Christianity. I refer to them as religious idiots because they oppose Christ. Continue reading

Die mens se status voor God

people in mist on beach


    Toestand Voor En Na Die Sondeval

Status Integritatis

Adam en Eva is met integriteit geskape. Met ʼn ware vrye wil om te kies om God te dien. Met die moontlikheid om te sondig en die moontlikheid om nie te sondig nie. Dit is geskape in liefde. Die boom van kennis kon hulle nie van eet nie, dit was al voorwaarde tot ʼn ewige lewe in die Paradys. Hulle was nie onskuldig geskape nie omrede hulle dan nie kon sondig nie. Dit was hulle toestand voor hulle val. Toe misbruik hulle, hulle vrye wil en sondig en is hulle dood in hulle sonde. Johan Heyns stel dit sekuur:

“Satan plant in die hart van die vrou twyfel oor die juiste bewoording, twyfel insake die presiese strekking daarvan, en twyfel veral ook aan die billikheid en regverdigheid van die goddelike gebod. Hy maak in haar hart hoogmoed wakker deur te suggereer dat hulle soos God, kan weet wat goed, en kwaad is. Hy prikkel haar begeerte en verlei haar, deur ʼn leuen te vertel, ten slotte tot daadwerklike ongehoorsaamheid aan en ongeloof in God. En, so staan die naakte sonde in sy historiese aanvang dan voor ons: Continue reading