Angus Buchan: Evangelist or Revivalist?

Our valued readers may be aware of the fact that False teacher Rick Joyner will be visiting South Africa soon and join hands with Angus Buchan and others . Please also read our articles Warning! Rick Joyner to visit South Africa and Join hands with Angus Buchan And also read Spiritual Deception, Revival and Angus Buchan (South Africa’s Charismatic “Hajj”)

Angus Buchan: Evangelist or Revivalist?

An important article by our dearly beloved  friend and brother Prof Johan Malan

Mossel Bay, South Africa (October 2010)

Angus Buchan is an evangelist and not a revivalist. An evangelist is involved with basic or first phase evangelism and usually addresses a particular group of people only once, or perhaps a few times during a weekend rally. After his listeners have indicated that they accepted Christ as Saviour, he regards his duty as done and then moves on to his next appointment.

A revivalist, by contrast, is particularly involved with second phase evangelisation as his messages are aimed at further steps of dedication and service to the Lord in the lives of those who already have a testimony of salvation. That is precisely what the word revival means – new life where there already is life. Christians are called to search themselves and make a new commitment to the Lord, and are also clearly shown what their responsibility is in the process of sanctification. When they comply with these demands, lukewarm, prayerless, powerless and spiritually unfruitful believers are transformed into dedicated witnesses for Christ. They will then fulfil their calling to testify about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, leading to the salvation of many sinners. That is the fruit of revival.

More than a century ago, Andrew Murray was at the forefront of a real revival ministry in South Africa. His books on sanctification as a further work of grace after conversion are still read all over the world. I even met a Russian preacher in Estonia who bought one of Andrew Murray’s books in Helsinki, Finland. Murray does not associate holiness with ecstatic experiences and signs and wonders but with a pure heart and enduement with power from on high.

Andrew Murray obviously also did basic evangelisation but it was always followed up with clear preaching on the filling of the Holy Spirit. Other well-known revival preachers in the 18th and 19th centuries followed the same approach. The converts from John Wesley’s meetings assembled in halls where they were taught about higher levels of spiritual dedication. They eventually established a new evangelical church.

In America, DL Moody was also an evangelist and revivalist. After evangelistic meetings were conducted in certain places and many people were saved, he followed it up with a series of messages on sanctification. Dr. RA Torrey was often requested to deliver his eight messages on sanctification during a week-long rally. They were later published under the title: The Holy Spirit – Who He is and what He Does. It made a very big difference in the lives of young believers by strongly establishing their faith and dedication. Charles Finney published a magazine to give further instruction to converts. Some of them neglected their duty to make a full surrender and to serving the Lord wholeheartedly. His words to them were: “You are a disgrace to Christianity.”

The ministry of Angus does not provide for this second phase of deeper spiritual instruction, and because of this it is somewhat presumptuous of him to often say: “We are in a revival.” The absence of this vital element of revival explains the phenomenon of why there is not a notable change in the low spiritual standards of most churches in South Africa. That so many people commit themselves to Christ for the first time at his meetings is an indication that preaching on this subject in many churches is not explicit and convincing enough.

Angus plays a very big and praiseworthy role in fulfilling this need and should be honoured for doing so. It is encouraging that a high profile person, who is in the media’s limelight, is humble and bold enough to refer to Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of the world. He also often mentions sins that separate people from the Lord. Without that, people would not be fully convicted of their sinful and lost state.

However, the fact remains that evangelisation which is not backed up by further intensive instruction from the Bible, often leads to superficial change which does not last long. It is like seeds which have been sown in shallow soil. They quickly germinate and start growing, but the young plants are not able to withstand and survive the pressure of adverse circumstances. That is why many of the converts during rallies revert to their old ways after a time.

A number of case studies on converts during gospel rallies have been conducted in the past. At places where there are no evangelical churches or Bible study groups with high standards where converts can get further instruction, more than 90% of them did not stand by their original commitment. Angus Buchan will seriously have to face this fact. In modern preaching in general, more emphasis is placed upon moralising and human relations than on an improved man-God-relationship.

Should Angus wish to achieve more success, something very definite will have to be done to provide for second phase evangelisation. In His Great Commission Christ not only said that disciples should be made of all nations, but also that they should be taught to observe all His commands (Matt. 28:19-20). This is an intensive and long-lasting task which can in most cases be better executed in small group contexts.

There are also various other matters in the preaching of Angus which cause concern. He sometimes refers to very dubious American preachers who are overly devoted to miracles, signs and wonders, as role models. Furthermore, he does not show enough understanding of Biblical eschatology. The Bible teaches that the church dispensation will end in a dark time of apostatising, tribulation and antichristian deception. Because of that, there will be a process of polarisation in which those who are filthy will become filthier, while those who are holy should become more holy. Converts should be prepared to face these challenges as their commitment to the Lord will be severely tested.

Angus, however, gives his support to kingdom reforms in terms of which the hope is raised that if most people repent, conditions in countries such as South Africa and Zimbabwe will be restored in the spiritual, moral, political as well as economic spheres. This expectation is at variance with the Biblical scenario that the majority of people will tread the broad way right down to the end, and also with the fact that we can expect more apostasy and lawlessness in the world.

Another problem which certainly has negative consequences is that Angus is so much inclined towards maintaining good relations and fostering ecumenical meetings, that he completely ignores the subject of spiritual deception and therefore has no apologetic element in his preaching. This is to the detriment of young believers as they get no guidelines for the identification of deceptive teachings. It is very good to be saved from moral sins, but there is also spiritual deception against which believers have to be warned. At one of the rallies of Angus in Port Elizabeth free DVD’s were distributed at the gates in which a false eschatology is promoted, as well as a legalistic lifestyle which includes the observance of the Old Testament Sabbath on Saturdays. The recipients did not know whether these gifts were handed out with the consent of Angus.

In spite of all these objections I have great appreciation for the fact that Angus Buchan proclaims a clear message of repentance. The value of one soul that is saved is more than all the treasures of the world. Although this promising action is not backed by a clear strategy for second phase work, thereby undoing much of the good work that has been achieved, his preaching was and still is a big blessing to many people. We should rejoice about that.

The views of Anton Bosch

I asked the opinion of Anton Bosch on the above-mentioned matter. He lived in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, for a long time before acceding to a call from a congregation in California, USA. He says the following in his letter:

“I recently watched the video Faith Like Potatoes and while that was a dramatization, I considered that with everything else I have seen and heard, and come to the conclusion that your evaluation is correct. He is an evangelist – nothing more, nothing less. The problem with evangelists (of which Billy Graham is a prime example), is that they are not equipped to do anything more than preach the gospel. That is their calling and gift. This results in two issues:

1.   They must stick to the gospel and only the gospel. The moment they begin to speak on matters of doctrine, they are out of their depth. Thus their theology cannot be trusted. Graham has proven this many times and Angus seems to be the same. That is not a reflection on them, but a reality that God has built into the church so that every member is dependant on every other member (see point 2 below). Evangelists and those around them need to understand this and not expect, or allow them to pronounce on all matters of doctrine.

2.   They need to work with other ministries who can do the follow-up. This is more than just telling people to find a good Bible-believing church. You don’t take a new-born (physical) baby, put it down in the middle of the street and tell it to find good pasteurized milk. The baby will drink anything, even poison. The baby must be parented until it comes of age. A clear example of this is with Philip: “And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed. And there was great joy in that city…. Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit” (Acts 8:6ff).

I think the distinction you draw between an evangelist and revivalist is good.”

HL –


We thank Prof Johan Malan for his full permission to place his articles on our blog. Prof is a dear brother and friend to us and his teachings on  false teachers has been of a big  help to us and many others.

May the Lord grant us mercy to always speak the truth in love as we earnestly contend for the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

57 thoughts on “Angus Buchan: Evangelist or Revivalist?

  1. Excellent article, thank you. I value the comments and input of prof Malan and this article has confirmed many of my own (silent) opinions and thoughts. Blessings.


      • Wayne

        Just three quick simple points.

        Firstly, if someone claims to be your brother in Christ, surely that would mean him believing and proclaiming the same Gospel as you do? Otherwise how can you call him your brother?

        Secondly, it is hearing the Gospel which leads the lost to be saved, I hope you agree. Unless the Gospel which Christ preached is heard, no one can be saved, because the Gospel explains our sinful condition, our lost condition, our spiritually dead position, our inability to seek God, the need for us to believe and repent and how the sins of those whom God calls to believe in Christ and to repentance, will be forgiven. Angus doesn’t tell people that. He tells them about himself, about how his presence miraculously brings rain, about how people should treat each other and how to be “mighty” and good people. Christ did not come to save good and Holy people, He came to save the bad and unholy people. Christ did not come to make us mighty, He came to make us humble.

        Thirdly, if the person who claims to be your brother, is leading people along the wrong road which will not save them, and you know that he is doing that because you don’t hear the truth being told, do you think it is right that you remain silent and turn away from telling people about the lies? That would be forgetting about the lost. One doesn’t tell people the truth because one has forgotten about them, but because one constantly remembers Christ.

        Liked by 2 people

    • I would question D L Moody as being described as a revivalist if Angus is not. Certainly Moody was described by many in the same terms as to being an evangelist but not a teacher or one to teach doctrine, and he would often encourage R. A. Torry to do so in his later work [ the life of
      D. L. Moody, by James S. Bell].

      I experienced revival at MCC 2010… I was a very tired pastor/evangelist, physically and especially spiritually, but God touched me. In fact, I later organised Angus Buchan first Campaign in Canada, The Gathering , in Nelson BC, Canada, July 29 – July 1/12, which included Canada Day, our special National Holiday celebrating our Confederation. I saw other ‘older’ believer’s revived there at the four meetings, and the work goes on since Angus left. A number of them have come with us to meetings in other churches & given witness as to how God saved them, or in many cases, revived them for His work..Congregations in our area have been revived in prayer & intercession, and others with conversions & baptisms following. A number of people were physically healed including one lady who stepped out of her wheel chair and walked for the first time in 6 years, and she walked about 200 feet. Another man with a fractured neck was healed, and he has given much testimony since that time.


      • Jeff Zak

        I strongly suggest you have a look here :

        And also read a book called Charismatic Chaos written by John MacArthur as it contains my complete answer to your short comment.

        With regards to these claimed physical healing’s I suppose as in all other similar cases laid claim to by the false faith healers, there exists absolutely no irrefutable proof that these things actually took place. There has never been a single one, whereas there have been thousands of instances where these fake healings by snake-oil salesmen like Angus have been exposed.


      • Jeff Zak

        Thank you for commenting. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His mercy and grace in saving undeserving sinners according to His will. If by “revival” you mean salvation, and that you and the others you mention truly experienced salvation at MCC 2010, I praise the Lord God for enabling you to do so.

        We must bear in mind that it would not have been because you attended the conference, or because Angus Buchan was there, but that it was in spite of those facts. Salvation is of the Lord, not of any man, not through any man, not because of the presence, words, actions or value of any man. If the “work” of saving people goes on since Angus left, it is due to what the Saviour has done in their lives, not because Angus had been there.

        The nature of your comment leads me to ask a few questions, which I hope you will answer in order for me to gain a better understanding of what you mean to say.

        When you speak of “revival” or persons “revived” for His work, what exactly are you indicating in terms of their salvific position? Do you mean that these people were saved at the time of the meetings, or were they saved some time before these meetings and again at these meetings?

        Is it not individuals who are saved, or does this “revival” refer to people who are now working as a group for their salvation?

        What do you mean by conversions? Who converts these people and to what?

        You mention a lady who had not walked for six years. Do you have medical or other proof that she really couldn’t walk before the claimed healing? There have been thousands of incidents recorded in which similar miraculous faith healings have been claimed, which have been proven by means of physical evidence, to be the fraudulent shams of unscrupulous counterfeit healers, yet there is not a single incident which can be proven to be true.

        You mention another case in which a man with a fractured neck was healed and that he has given much testimony since. It is also a hugely common occurrence in the world of the charlatan faith healers, that testimony to their lies is given by their unsuspecting victims. In many instances the “healed” are paid in money or satisfied by their personal fame, to give credence to the lies. In some instances they are even completely convinced that they had actually been healed. Many of the afflictions experienced by these unsuspecting victims, as well as the “healings” they experience, are of demonic origin. There are even those who might be healed of physical afflictions, but who will remain spiritually dead due to their blasphemous unbelief.

        There have even been hundreds of people who have been “raised from the dead”, who were not dead do begin with. Angus Buchan himself has admitted to his own false claims of having raised a woman from the dead in South Africa. How can such a man be believed?

        Do you think it is right to base your belief in God on the highly suspicious actions of rock-star charismatic preachers, or is our trust in God based on the gift of Faith?

        Do you believe that Angus Buchan wields power over the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit can be “called” by someone like Angus?

        Why do you support Angus Buchan while he clearly blasphemes the Holy Spirit?

        Why do you support Angus Buchan while he continues to preach a secularly humanistic message, which is in opposition to that what is taught in Scripture?

        I pray God enfold you in His Grace and Truth.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Great article. Yes I have watched Angus Buchan for a while wondering in which camp he falls, he seems to favour the charismatics, He does not seem to deep into doctrine but he does seem to have a real love for the truth, and for Scripture, Pity about teaming him up with Rick Joyner. Not good. Mr Buchan does not seem to be discerning about his associations.


  3. Pingback: Faith Like Potatoes, or Biblical Faith? | Truth in Reality

  4. Hi Elmarie, does it really matter? Uncle Angus serves God and preaches straight from God’s Word the truth. I praise God for what He has done and is still doing through Uncle Angus. We should look to God and do what His Word instructs us to do and pray for people that step out to spread the gospel. Mr Bosch the great commission is to go and to teach the Word of God (spread the gospel), we can not change peoples hearts only God through His Holy Spirit can do that.We have all fallen short of the glory of God. it is all about HIM! King of King and Lord of Lords


    • Jackie

      Indeed it does matter. Sadly Angus is preaching another Gospel. We only need to read and study the NT to see how many times Jesus and the Apostles warned about FALSE Teachers/Prophets. It is a sin to be undiscerning. Also read the Book of Jude to see how God is going to Judge False Teachers.

      Romans 1:26-32
      New King James Version (NKJV)
      26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

      28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality,[a] wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[b] unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.


      • Hi Elmarie, There is so much to be said. Romans 1 should be read in totality according to me Paul set the stage by showing that we all have sinned and therefore need the righteousness that only God can provide.He summarise the sin of Gentiles and Jews. It shows that humankind has lost sight of God’s Majesty and that they kept on sinning, therefor God allowed sin to run its course as an act of judgement. This goes for everyone. Yes, scripture makes it clear that teachers will be judged more strictly (James 3).

        Please refer to Matthew 7
        Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

        3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

        I have attended one of Uncle Angus’s crusades and must say that what he taught was scriptual. Concerning the commercial side of his ministry… if it helps him to do what God has called him to do and to support the kids in his orphanage so be it..I do not know a lot of ministers that have an orphanage in their backyard.

        The music, well I love it. I love Retief Burger, Louis Britz just to name a few. They are Mighty Men of God. I praise God for them and their music that is all that my kids and I listen to. I am a bit like King David so I love to worship (sing, dance) God. Worshiping God is the joy of my life.

        I am of the opinion that we should judge less and pray more for each other (leaders, teachers, preachers etc). We are all human (sinners).

        My prayer is that:
        We keep asking that God , the glorious Father, may give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we may know him better. I pray that the eyes of our hearts may be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which he has called each one of us, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Create in us a steadfast spirit and a pure heart Lord.


      • Jackie

        You say :

        Please refer to Matthew 7

        Here is the Biblical truth about Matthew 7

        It should be noted that this passage has erroneously been used to suggest that believers should never evaluate or criticize anyone for anything. Our day hates absolutes, especially theological and moral absolutes, and such simplistic interpretation provides a convenient escape from confrontation. Members of modern society, including many professing Christians, tend to resist dogmatism and strong convictions about right and wrong. Many people prefer to speak of all-inclusive love, compromise, ecumenism, and unity. To the modern religious person those are the only “doctrines” worth defending, and they are the doctrines to which every conflicting doctrine must be sacrificed.

        The entire thrust of the Sermon on the Mount is to show the complete distinction between true religion and false religion, between spiritual truth and spiritual hypocrisy. Jesus places God’s perfect and holy standards beside the unholy and self-righteous standards of the scribes and Pharisees and declares that those who follow those unholy and self-righteous standards have no part in God’s kingdom (5:20). No more controversial or judgmental sermon has ever been preached.

        If this greatest sermon by our Lord teaches anything, it teaches that His followers are to be discerning and perceptive in what they believe and in what they do, that they must make every effort to judge between truth and falsehood, between the internal and the external, between reality and sham, between true righteousness and false: righteousness-in short, between God’s way and all other ways.

        Krino (to judge) means basically to separate, choose, select, or determine, and has a dozen or more shades of meaning that must be decided from the context. In our present passage Jesus is referring to the judgment of motives, which no mere human being can know of another, and to judgment of external forms. Paul says, “Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this-not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s way” (Rom. 14:13).

        The Bible consistently forbids individual or vigilante justice that assumes for itself the prerogatives of a duly established court of law. It also consistently forbids hasty judgments that do not have full knowledge of the heart or of the facts. “He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him” (Prov. 18:13). Sometimes what appears to be wrong is nothing of the sort.

        It is significant that, though God is omniscient, He gives us many examples of the care we ourselves should take before making judgments, especially those that involve serious consequences. Before He judged those who were building the tower of Babel, “The Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built” (Gen. 11:5). Before He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah He said, “I will go down now, and see if they have done entirely according to its outcry, which has come to Me; and if not, I will know” (Gen. 18:21).

        What Jesus here forbids is self-righteous, officious, hasty, unmerciful, prejudiced, and unwarranted condemnation based on human standards and human understanding. He gives three reasons why such judgment is sinful: it reveals an erroneous view of God, an erroneous view of others, and an erroneous view of ourselves.

        Unrighteous and unmerciful judgment is forbidden first of all because it manifests a wrong view of God. With the phrase lest you be judged, Jesus reminds the scribes and Pharisees that they are not the final court. To judge another person’s motives or to curse to condemnation is to play God. “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son” (John 5:22). During the millennial kingdom Christ will share some of that judgment with us (Matt. 19:28; 1 Cor. 6:2; etc.), but until that time we blaspheme God whenever we take upon ourselves the role of judge. “Who are you to judge the servant of another?” Paul asks. “To his own master he stands or falls” (Rom. 14:4). Paul was little concerned about how other people judged him, and was not even concerned about how he judged himself. “I am conscious of nothing against myself,” he says, “yet I am not by this acquitted; but the one who examines me is the Lord” (1 Cor. 4:3–4).

        Except as they may be continually teaching false doctrine or following standards that are clearly unscriptural, we are never to judge a person’s ministry, teaching, or life-and certainly not his motives-by a self-styled standard “Do not speak against one another,” James warns us. “He who speaks against a brother, or judges his brother, speaks against the law, and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?” (James 4:11–12). Such evil judgment is blasphemous, because it sets a man up as God-and there is only one true Judge.

        Whenever we assign people to condemnation without mercy because they do not do something the way we think it ought to be done or because we believe their motives are wrong, we pass judgment that only God is qualified to make.

        The Savior does not call for men to cease to be examining and discerning, but to renounce the presumptuous temptation to try to be God.

        Taken from


      • Jackie

        You also say :

        I am of the opinion that we should judge less and pray more for each other (leaders, teachers, preachers etc). We are all human (sinners).

        I strongly suggest you read these articles for starters on this blog and pray for discernment in these days where deception is rive in the visible church.
        Judging Others – Should Christians Judge?
        How to Discern : How to Smell a Rat (Part 1 /6)
        How to Discern : Understanding the Bible (Part 2/6)
        How to Discern : Orthodoxy ( Part 3/6)
        How to Discern : Check, Check and Check Again (Part4/6)
        How to Discern : Who’s Who? (Part 5/6)
        How to Discern : What of the Watchmen? (Part 6/6)


      • I totally agree with you, Elmarie. People are very quick to jump on the Do not Judge bandwagon.
        Since when has warning become judging? If I see that you are walking on a narrow, slippery ledge, and you seem to be not aware of it, how am I judging you when I warn you about the condition/situation you find yourself in?

        Rom 12:4 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:
        Rom 12:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
        Rom 12:6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;
        Rom 12:7 Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching;
        Rom 12:8 Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.
        Rom 12:9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

        Doesn’t this make it pretty clear that we all have different gifts/tasks in the Body of Christ?

        That’s my first point. The second point is, that it is our DUTY as Christians, to continually look out for each other, to warn/exhort/admonish each other about anything that is harmful to any aspect of our faith, or to our brothers and sisters, or to the Body of Christ.

        Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
        1Th 5:14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

        2Th 3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
        2Th 3:14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.
        2Th 3:15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

        Tit 1:9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

        I think these text verses makes it pretty clear. There are many more, but I believe this is sufficient to underscore my point. The moment you jump on the Do not Judge bandwagon, you are actually condoning whatever is taking place, and you are allowing that person to carry on in his/her merry way of damaging not only himself/herself, but whoever is listening to him/her. The fact that he/she may not be aware of what they are doing is beside the point. He/she will remain in that state of mind (not being aware) precisely because you are too busy riding on the Do not Judge bandwagon.

        I apologise for the avatar, not my choice, but I’m not going to go through all the schlepp to change it.


    • Jackie

      Thank you for commenting here. However, it is very important, actually it is more than simply very important, it is matter of eternal life and death, that the singular Truth as contained in the one and only Gospel be told. It is especially terrible when someone as influential and famous as Angus Buchan does not do that.

      Simply because someone holds a Bible and reads from it in front of huge crowds and on television, does not mean that the person is necessarily interpreting God’s Word correctly. All he has to do is sound sincere and say things that the people want to hear and they will begin to love him more than they love the hard-hitting Truth about their sin. Unfortunately, misinterpreting the Truth is what Angus does so well and so very convincingly, and he has made one of the most successful businesses out of spreading a watered-down and incomplete gospel. He does not preach straight from God’s Word, he uses God’s Word as a disguise and preaches his own version of half-truths.

      In addition, he performs false signs and wonders which glorify himself and he has led hundreds of thousands of undiscerning people astray through those means. Whether he does these things unknowingly because he is blind to the truth, or whether he does these things intentionally for the sake of fame or money, makes no real difference to the result. He remains an unrepentant false preacher, acting against God’s Word, because his message is not biblical. He is a charlatan and a very successful one, sadly he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, because he certainly presents himself as a caring and loving elder.

      Neither Angus, nor any other believer is called to do miracles, signs and wonders, or to add to the perfection of the Sacrifice made by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Jesus did miracles, and some of the Apostles also did powerful miracles, to prove the deity of the Christ to those who did not have the Bible, but since Pentecost we have had the Holy Spirit and through the church and the Bible, the complete Word of God.

      As you correctly say, we cannot change peoples hearts, only God can, so why does Angus try to do so by through false and emotive means? We do not need to prove that Jesus is the Saviour by trying to mimic or improve on that which only He could do.

      That much is clear from the Bible, but even so, Angus regularly lays claim to having influenced God or having facilitated some miraculous event. These are all false claims and even Angus himself has admitted to having made false claims in the past, although more recently his arrogance and exaggerated status have reached new levels of absurdity.

      Jackie, you are quite correct in stating that we should look to God, do what His Word instructs us to do, pray for those who spread the Gospel and fulfill our commission in taking the Gospel to the whole world. Thank you for saying those things, because they are held in the Truth. However, what Angus does and says is not what God instructs us to do or say. He is taking a false gospel to the world.

      False prophets, false teachers and false gospels are never glaringly obvious, because then no one would believe them. No, they are very subtly mixed into some truth to make them more acceptable to more people. We all do fall short of God’s Glory, (as you have also have said, thank you again), and none of us can earn His favour by what we do or say. We are only made acceptable to God through the Blood of His Son, and by the Grace of God. So then, how can Angus earn God’s favour, or bring unbelievers to Christ, by trying to be a modern day miracle worker, prophet, rain-maker and raiser of the dead?

      May you be blessed by the fullness of God’s Word today.


  5. What bothers me about Angus is the commercial flavour his ministry is developing and the worldly atmosphere at his rallies with the bands who provide entertainment to the crowds. I cannot immagine John the Baptist selling mugs with his photo etc. Music is very important before a message, it should create an atmosphere of reverence and deep awe of the Almighty God. Moody took Ira Sankey everywhere with him to sing spiritual songs before he preached. The revival hymns were glorious and opened hearts for the message of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Gospel invitation. The blood of Christ sets us free and cleanses us from unrighteousness. God is holy and His children are holy which means to separate oneself from the world and worldliness.


    • Grant says:
      October 3, 2012 at 1:08 am

      I agree with you, wholeheartedly, on the point you make regarding the commercial flavour of his ministry, the mugs with his photo copies, T-shirts, posters, CD’s, DVD’s, personal accounts, self-appraising books, miracle crusades, false revivals, and so on. No problem, if the proceeds thereof simply covers the costs of the “shows” and pays the minister his rightful dues, but these have been turned into a multi-million Rand (even Dollar) industry. Where I have much more of a problem, however, is the unbiblical message and gospel he preaches. If you would be so kind as to read my comment above, in answer to Jackie also on this thread , for the details of this.

      If I may, I would like to address one or two points you have made here, apart from the commercial aspect. One: in biblical times there was no possibility of turning things like mugs etc, into commercial projects. If that was a possibility, I’m sure there would have been many more accounts of people trying to capitalize on the ministry of Jesus and the Apostles. Because that is simply, fallen human nature. There are accounts of false signs, wonders, magicians, gospels, etc, even from as far back as the first century, and similar tricks have, of course, become more wide-spread as the world has become more commercially orientated over the centuries. There are numerous biblical accounts of these events.

      The “Christian church” currently has over 2 billion claimed members, which include the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Coptics, Charismatics, Mormons, SDA, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others. It goes without saying that a large number of these are simply professing Christians and are not truly saved followers of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

      Two: I’m not so sure that music is that important before a message – neither during the ministry of Jesus nor that of the Apostles was it the norm, I’m not even sure whether it is a biblical prescript, even though it has become a man-made tradition in most churches. What is a point of concern, is that the worship music, which is supposed to perform the exact task that you have described, is very often based solely on the personal taste of the majority of the elders in a given congregation or even worse, on the personal taste of the pastor, and not on the content of the music or on the opinion of the majority of the members of the church. This begs the question: If the presence of Word of God, the attitude in the hearts and minds of the saints, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the fellowship of the gathering of believers does not create an atmosphere of reverence and deep awe of Almighty God and open the hearts to receive the message of Truth, then I fail to see how a piece of man-made music can do that, especially when most of the congregation cannot relate to the music style. They would fully understand the content and context of the message, but the music style would not appeal to them. That goes equally for someone like Ira Sankey in the 1870′s or a band or singer with a similar message in the year 2012.

      We must remember that what Ira Sankey wrote and sang at around 1871, was done in what, at the time, was accepted and regarded as the popular style of music. It would have moved the audience or congregation in the same way that a band or music artist of a more modern style would do today. There has to be a very strong argument for the fact that the style and form of music presented in the church in AD 1871 differed greatly from that in the year AD 550, and from that which would “move” congregations in the year 2012. We have to remain biblical in our approach to all things, including music. What does God’s Word expect of us in that respect, in separation from our own strong opinions?

      As a musician myself, I can as easily be captivated, enthralled and awakened by the music of a Christian musician from a bygone era such as Ira Sankey, Wesley, Lowry, Newton or Watts as by the more modern music of current Christian musicians or bands. Of course, there are so very many of the current musicians and bands who claim to be producing worship music, which are really only singing commercially popular pagan music. That is very much similar to what commercial stars such as Angus Buchan are trying to present as the Christian gospel – commercially popular messages which appeal to the pagans, under the banner of the Christian Gospel.

      Many modern singers and bands produce music which is just as glorious in its presentation and scope as that which was produced by the church singers of old. If the message of the old hymn and the modern hymn is the same, no greater Christian validity can be granted to the older hymn based simplistically on music composition and instrumental style. If the older hymns are to be regarded as more appropriate for church usage, then we should be searching the material which was being sung in the church from long before the era of performers such as Sankey, Wesley, Watts, etc. We should look to the worship music of the first century church.

      God is Holy and His children are Holy, which means to separate oneself from the world and worldliness. I agree. But truly, does that not also entail separation from its worldly musicians such as Sankey, Wesley, Newton and Watts and all the worldly, sinful, so-called Christian musicians who came before them, and also equally all those since their time? Not a single one of them has ever had a greater biblical calling than another.

      Be blessed.


  6. Lize

    I agree with you, wholeheartedly, on the point you make regarding the commercial flavour of his ministry, the mugs with his photo copies, T-shirts, posters, CD’s, DVD’s, personal accounts, self-appraising books, miracle crusades, false revivals, and so on. No problem, if the proceeds thereof simply covers the costs of the “shows” and pays the minister his rightful dues, but these have been turned into a multi-million Rand (even Dollar) industry. Where I have much more of a problem, however, is the unbiblical message and gospel he preaches. If you would be so kind as to read my comment above, in answer to Jackie also on this thread , for the details of this.

    If I may, I would like to address one or two points you have made here, apart from the commercial aspect. One: in biblical times there was no possibility of turning things like mugs etc, into commercial projects. If that was a possibility, I’m sure there would have been many more accounts of people trying to capitalize on the ministry of Jesus and the Apostles. Because that is simply, fallen human nature. There are accounts of false signs, wonders, magicians, gospels, etc, even from as far back as the first century, and similar tricks have, of course, become more wide-spread as the world has become more commercially orientated over the centuries. There are numerous biblical accounts of these events.

    The “Christian church” currently has over 2 billion claimed members, which include the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Coptics, Charismatics, Mormons, SDA, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others. It goes without saying that a large number of these are simply professing Christians and are not truly saved followers of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

    Two: I’m not so sure that music is that important before a message – neither during the ministry of Jesus nor that of the Apostles was it the norm, I’m not even sure whether it is a biblical prescript, even though it has become a man-made tradition in most churches. What is a point of concern, is that the worship music, which is supposed to perform the exact task that you have described, is very often based solely on the personal taste of the majority of the elders in a given congregation or even worse, on the personal taste of the pastor, and not on the content of the music or on the opinion of the majority of the members of the church. This begs the question: If the presence of Word of God, the attitude in the hearts and minds of the saints, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the fellowship of the gathering of believers does not create an atmosphere of reverence and deep awe of Almighty God and open the hearts to receive the message of Truth, then I fail to see how a piece of man-made music can do that, especially when most of the congregation cannot relate to the music style. They would fully understand the content and context of the message, but the music style would not appeal to them. That goes equally for someone like Ira Sankey in the 1870’s or a band or singer with a similar message in the year 2012.

    We must remember that what Ira Sankey wrote and sang at around 1871, was done in what, at the time, was accepted and regarded as the popular style of music. It would have moved the audience or congregation in the same way that a band or music artist of a more modern style would do today. There has to be a very strong argument for the fact that the style and form of music presented in the church in AD 1871 differed greatly from that in the year AD 550, and from that which would “move” congregations in the year 2012. We have to remain biblical in our approach to all things, including music. What does God’s Word expect of us in that respect, in separation from our own strong opinions?

    As a musician myself, I can as easily be captivated, enthralled and awakened by the music of a Christian musician from a bygone era such as Ira Sankey, Wesley, Lowry, Newton or Watts as by the more modern music of current Christian musicians or bands. Of course, there are so very many of the current musicians and bands who claim to be producing worship music, which are really only singing commercially popular pagan music. That is very much similar to what commercial stars such as Angus Buchan are trying to present as the Christian gospel – commercially popular messages which appeal to the pagans, under the banner of the Christian Gospel.

    Many modern singers and bands produce music which is just as glorious in its presentation and scope as that which was produced by the church singers of old. If the message of the old hymn and the modern hymn is the same, no greater Christian validity can be granted to the older hymn based simplistically on music composition and instrumental style. If the older hymns are to be regarded as more appropriate for church usage, then we should be searching the material which was being sung in the church from long before the era of performers such as Sankey, Wesley, Watts, etc. We should look to the worship music of the first century church.

    God is Holy and His children are Holy, which means to separate oneself from the world and worldliness. I agree. But truly, does that not also entail separation from its worldly musicians such as Sankey, Wesley, Newton and Watts and all the worldly, sinful, so-called Christian musicians who came before them, and also equally all those since their time? Not a single one of them has ever had a greater biblical calling than another.

    Be blessed.


  7. I stumbled upon this blog and am quite saddend by what I read. What I find strange is amongst all of the comments made, many refer to doctrine but none refer to the new commandment that the Lord has given us. He says, that if we love him, we will obey his commands. And what is his command? “To love one another as I have loved you.” And what is the measure of this love? To lay your life down for your friends. When the Lord refers to turning away many who call him Lord at the day of judgement, he says “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” And in John he clearly tells us what the Father’s will is, what it is we are to obey, the command to love to the extent of laying down our lives for each other. Maybe we should be taking the log out of our own eyes first, before we look for the splinters in our brothers’ eyes. Before we appoint ourselves over our fellow believers, shouldn’t we first make sure we are obeying the new commandment to the full, and if not, first repent before we judge? I wonder how different things would be if we obeyed the only direct command given by Jesus himself in the new testament. Are we living up to our calling? Let each of us look at our own world around us and decide for ourself whether we are or not. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples – not through your doctrine or words – but if you love one another the way that I have loved you. And Jesus says, when you obey my commands, I and the Father will reveal ourselves to you. So, maybe the way to being “in the truth” and not being deceived, is by truly loving as we are commanded to, and not clasping hold of doctrine. 21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. (John 14) When we read John Angus may not have his theology 100% but he clearly is a man full of love. Would you agree? Are you? Am I? Just a thought…


    • Kevin

      You should not be saddened by the Gospel, it should be your greatest source of joy to know that the Truth in God’s Word is freely available to believers today.

      You are right about the commandment to love one another as He loved us. But that does not mean we should love the sin of others, or the lies. Included in that commandment to love, is not an instruction to ignore the truth, or to let someone die in sin because we would not speak up when they needed to hear the truth. If we love the person, we care about what they believe, because if they do not believe what Jesus taught, then they will be lost, they will burn in hell, no matter how much we love them.

      In obeying the command to love one another like Jesus loved us, we are not given the option to love one another in a way which, in our opinion, sort of resembles the way Jesus did it. The Apostles did not preach a message which they had adapted to seem as if they loved others. No, they preached hard-hitting truth, which told people of how bad they were and how much they needed Christ and how much they needed to repent and believe. There are not various different ways in which we can interpret God’s Word, there is only one Saviour, one Way, one Truth and one Life for all people. That is a biblical doctrine without which no one will know the truth.

      If we were to lay down our life for our friends, would that save them? Can we save our friends by loving them so much that we would die for them? Not at all, as a matter of fact that is the last thing we should do if we know that they have not yet been saved! Because then there will be no more chance to give them the Gospel which will save them eternally! We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone and that by the grace of God alone, and those who do not hear that truth and believe that truth, will be eternally lost. That is another biblical doctrine. We must love our fellow man enough to present to them the Gospel of Christ, we can do no greater thing than to take the Gospel to all our friends who would otherwise be lost. Only in that way will we be able to save them.

      We are not commanded to literally die for our friends. Jesus’ death on the Cross and the perfect sacrifice which He made for sin was sufficient death. We should put to death our old sinful and unsaved ways and in that way we will be a light to those friends who see that our old self has died and that the New has come in Christ.

      The way that Jesus loved His disciples by giving them the Truth, is how we are to love one another. Doctrine does not save, but neither does ignorance. Satan relies on our ignorance of biblical doctrine to keep us in the dark and on the way to hell. John 3:16 is in essence, the doctrine of salvation. If our friends have not heard the doctrine of salvation, it would not matter how much we loved them, or how terrible a death we died on their behalf, they would not be saved. Angus does certainly present himself as being a man full of love, but it the kind of love which the world wants to see, not what the world needs to see.

      I add here a comment which I wrote in response to Wayne, also on this thread:

      Just three quick simple points.

      Firstly, if someone claims to be your brother in Christ, surely that would mean him believing and proclaiming the same Gospel as you do? Otherwise how can you call him your brother?

      Secondly, it is hearing the Gospel which leads the lost to be saved, I hope you agree. Unless the Gospel which Christ preached is heard, no one can be saved, because the Gospel explains our sinful condition, our lost condition, our spiritually dead position, our inability to seek God, the need for us to believe and repent and how the sins of those whom God calls to believe in Christ and to repentance, will be forgiven. Angus doesn’t tell people that. He tells them about himself, about how his presence miraculously brings rain, about how people should treat each other and how to be good people. Christ did not come to save good and Holy people, He came to save the bad and unholy people.

      Thirdly, if the person who claims to be your brother, is leading people along the wrong road which will not save them, and you know that he is doing that because the Truth is not heard, do you think it is right that you remain silent and turn away from telling people about the lies? That would be the same as forgetting about the lost. One doesn’t tell people the truth because one has forgotten about them, but because one constantly remembers Christ.


  8. Dear Grant

    I think you are missing my point completely. I am not saddened by the Gospel. I am saddened by the lack of love amongst people who profess to believe the Gospel. That is the greatest commandment, and it appears to me also to be the most neglected commandment.

    If you sincerely believe that Angus is in error, then if you love him as you are commanded to do, would it be wrong to expect that you would make an effort to personally go and speak with him, gently and in love, as the bible commands? If you love those who you fear are being led astray by Angus or anyone you believe is not preaching a true gospel; and are truly concerned about them spending eternity in hell, if it mattered that much to you, and if you were obeying Jesus command to love as he did, surely you would make it your first priority to go and speak to people like Angus in an attempt to lead them back into the truth and prevent them from leading others astray.

    Do you love Angus, like Jesus commands you to? I think if you obeyed Jesus command to love as he did, and Grant it is his command that you do so, then you cannot walk by Angus, like the Pharisee and the Sadducee and the Sanhedrin, but you would be a Good Samaritan and go and see Angus, personally and plead with him to return to the truth. You would be praying day and night for him with loud cries and tears. You would not count the cost to help Angus right because that is how Jesus loves. He did not count his own life of any worth, in order to save the lost. He rejoices more over the one sheep that went astray and is found, than all the others who remain in the flock.

    Grant what do you think Jesus would have done in this situation? Write about Angus on a blog that Angus perhaps does not even know about, or go and speak to him in love? He did not sit in heaven as an armchair critic on the human condition, but layed his glory aside, came to earth and died a shameful death on the cross. Not for the righteous, but for sinners. Like Angus. And Grant, you know the bible says, that the servant shall be no greater than his master so you are called to wash his feet, like Jesus has washed yours.

    If you have already gone to speak personally with Angus, then I applaud you because then you are a shining example to all fellow believers. If you have not Grant, then perhaps you should obey the word and do so, before writing on a public blog about him. Remember Grant, Jesus says, anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. If you have obeyed his command to love Angus, then I suppose you are entitled to write about him in a public forum. If not dear brother, I humbly ask you to take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will be able to help Angus to take the splinter out of his. The hard hitting truth dear brother Grant is that even if you do not consider Angus to be your brother, Jesus has made it very clear that he is you neighbor, and he has made it equally clear how you should love your neighbor.


    • Dear Kevin
      By presenting the truth to someone such as Angus, who occupies such a highly visible position in the media, whether it be presented to him in person, which would be the preferred method of imparting the truth as you rightly suggest, or if that is not possible, then by means of the letter as Paul did in his Epistles to the various recipients, is tantamount to portraying the love for that person. By remaining silent and by not using the means which one has at ones disposal, would be not acting according to our biblical mandate.

      You seem unaware of the many, many efforts which have been made by believers, among which are many known pastors and elders, individual brothers and even some brave sisters, who have approached Angus in many ways through the years, to point him to the error of his ways. These people have done so on behalf of others and in consultation with large congregations of believers, and also on a personal basis. Some of these have been personal acquaintances of Angus, persons who worked with him during the early years of his ministry, accounts of which are available in books and other publications. Some of these meetings have been recorded.

      Through the years, it has become increasingly difficult to gain personal access to Angus, as his celebrity status has become more financially valuable within his particular circle. By no means would his management team allow one access to Angus personally with the intention of admonishing him along biblical lines. The massive machine which consists of institutions such as GodTV, Shalom Ministries and other interested parties with massive capital and intellectual interests, would simply stand too much to lose if Angus were to start preaching the true Gospel. Furthermore, have you considered the very real fact that Angus is not inclined toward accepting the truth which has been presented to him on so many occasions? It has certainly not been due to lack of effort on the side of loving and concerned believers.

      As I have made clear on so very many occasions and on so many forums, it is by no means a disregard of the command to love ones neighbour, brother or sister, to point out the error in their teachings, as long as it is done according to biblical prescripts. It does indicate a loveless attitude toward the person, but rather toward the error or sinful ways of that person. We love the person, but hate the sin. If all those who wish to point Angus to the error of his ministry, were to be granted personal interviews with him, He would have no time for anything else. He would be permanently occupied with defending his false message. I assure you that he is perfectly aware of that situation, yet in spite of the efforts of all these well-meaning believers, he chooses to continue along an unrepentant course of spreading deceitful lies to millions around the world.

      In my previous correspondence to you on this matter, I chose to write that you seem saddened by the Gospel, because you seem to approve of the ministry of Angus Buchan in its current and on-going form, along with all its contra-biblical attributes, lies and deceit. In doing so, do I by no means wish to indicate that I do not regard you as a brother, as I do not know you and I cannot be the judge of your soul. There is a very clear distinction to be made between those who profess to believe the Gospel and those who are truly saved by the Grace of God. Even Satan believes the Gospel exists, he has had personal relations with God and His Son, yet he refuses to accept the truth of the Gospel. He is also a professing believer, but not a saved believer. It is due to the existence of so many professing and deceived believers, that Angus Buchan has been able to build such a great financial empire out of his ministry. Of course, he has not been the only false teacher to hijack Christianity, there have been thousands throughout all of history.

      It is not about what we think Jesus would have done in this situation. We could never do what Jesus did, we are not God. We can only bow our heads in humble acceptance and acknowledgement of His glorious perfection in all matters. WWJD has become an a vastly oversimplified and clichéd phrase coined by those of modern Charismatic persuasion. We are not worthy of trying to consider the mystery of an omni-potent, omni-present and Sovereign God. Jesus is God, we are sinners. Rather we should consider what Jesus has done in paying the full price for the sins of those whom the Father has called.

      I would be greatly humbled if it be the will of God that I be granted the opportunity to take the truth of the Gospel to Angus, but nevertheless, I am equally thankful that many other believers have already been able to do so, many of which are far more adept at preaching the Gospel than I am, at present. If it is God’s will that Angus provides the good soil in his heart, to allow the seed of truth to take root and produce the fruit worthy of a truly saved follower of Christ, then it will be done. If it is God’s will and until that happens, I will continue to pray that Angus comes to see the serious error of his ways, and I will continue to use our blog and other means at my disposal to make known the sickening deceitful scope of his false ministry, on behalf of those who are being led into eternal darkness by following the damning heresy of Angus Buchan’s ministry.

      Here are links to the some of the work which has been done in this regard by other qualified pastors and elders, with whom we are in regular personal contact. I urge you to read some of this material before you continue to question whether I have acted unlovingly toward someone who is causing severe harm to the body of Christ, who assumes that he can command the Holy Spirit with almost daily regularity and who displays the utmost disregard for the Sovereignty of God. How long do you propose, Kevin, that one allows Angus, or any other false prophet for that matter, continue along their destructive path before speaking out against their deceit, even on a public blog?

      Warning! Rick Joyner to visit South Africa and Join hands with Angus Buchan

      Click to access open-letter-to-angus-alan-lester.pdf

      Spiritual Deception, Revival and Angus Buchan (South Africa’s Charismatic “Hajj”)


  9. We (myself and my brother in law) did contact Angus personally about some matters in the past. For example about his involvement with Rick Joyner at Lewende Woord. Angus answered back after a long time and his response was that the Lord told him to do it. The problem with a person like Angus is that he has such a power base from followers, radio stations and various sources that his teachings become the norm like most TBN preachers. If an individual differ and approach him, you are not listened to because how can 300 000 followers at one MMC be wrong. To put something like this on the internet make your view visible for everyone to research and think through.

    We must remember no one is above misleading. Not even Angus. Paul rebuked Peter about misleading in the open. And I mean Peter is the rock. He was one of the pillars of the church when Christ said to Peter on your confession I will build my church.


  10. Grant I agree with you. We are not able to reach Angus and he would not listen to us anyway. He is adamant that he is right. Now this latest trip to Israel where he talks about the Holy Spirit chaos, with the wind and rain has really saddened me as, in Act 2 the description of the H.S. is nothing like what happende to him, i feel so sorry for the folk Blindly following him, thet will believe anything.


    • Emma, what you have said here immediately brings to mind the following hard words of the Apostle Paul…

      2Th 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

      2Co 4:3,4 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

      … and also those of the Apostle Peter… seems the “spirit” which moved the trees and upturned the Bible at the recent Angus fiasco was not the Holy Spirit after all. No surprises there, however, much the same as at all his previous “shows”… great smoke machines they had on stage, too!

      2Pe 1:19-21 And we have something more sure, the prophetic word, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.


  11. I was also very saddened by the video on the Israel show. To use the wind and rain like that to work up the people’s emotions like that was really just too much to bear. And I also went into my Bible to make sure about the wind in the upper room ( there it refers to a sound like a roaring wind…..not the actual wind wrecking everything in sight ).
    The other thing that bothered me was the continual story telling….his life and all the so called miracles were highlighted as if the real message of God had no consequense. He even made the MMC 2009 food session into something spiritual ( mentioning that they had to pick up 12 baskets of left overs….like with the fish and bread miracles!!!!!!.) Problemmm…….I was there that event…and I recall that they had run out of food, I had a piece of dry bread in my hand and had to go back to the tent, where we had to delve into our own stock of cold viennas….lol……I survived.
    The point is: why is he telling these exaggerated stories???……….to wind up emotions and to let people focus on the “experience” in stead of focus on the real deal…….our brokenness before God, our need to repent and really delve into God’s WILL; HIS WORD.


    • standingasamanforjesus

      Thank you for your comment. Also having watched the video, it was sad to see the Word watered down. The story of going to the bank manager is typical and very much part of the WOF false gospel.


  12. Yes…..I’m also in a bit of a conundrum with that personally, because some of my in-laws are heavily involved with that movement ( Copeland; Du Plantis and their cronies ). I basically just pray at this stage……any attempt from my side to show them on the Scriptural Truth is met by severe arguments. Nobody is as blind as they who refuses to see…..sigh.
    As I told someone the other day on how to approach an atheist with the Truth ( when they keep telling you that nobody knows the truth and truth can only be determined by facts)……..I said it’s like telling a teenager with a huge zit on his forehead, that he has that zit……..I can see it, you can see it; but he refuses to see it because we can’t provide him with immediate doctoral thesis to prove the zit’s existence.


      • Absolutely, Elmarie. I’m on my own mission right now, lol. I’m busy taking on DKNT Gospel for promoting Michael W. Smith’s music. Apparently Lindi had an interview with him, and everybody is swooning at the mention of his name. This man is a deceiver of note! if you have not heard about him, go and have a look – (Admin Edited – link removed – Unsafe “discernment” website)


      • Andre

        We should never be on our own mission – we should always be on a mission which has been commissioned by Christ and according to our biblical calling. We are not called to pursue music companies, musicians, golfers, farmers, etc. God will take care of those who are outside the church, see 1 Cor 5:10-13. We are not even to eat with them, even less to judge them. It is not our duty to try and fix the world when we cannot even fix ourselves.

        Please be aware that the site which you referred to in your comment, is far, far more dangerous, deceitful to the point of pure heresy, than the possibly over-zealous music of Michael W Smith. In addition, there are a million other so-called “Christian” musicians whose messages are far more disrespectful to God than what he is. Give to them the Gospel, not your criticism, and if they do not listen, shake the dust off your feet and move on (Mark 6:11).


      • Hi Grant,
        Thank you, point taken. In order to learn, would you be so kind to point out the problematic aspects of the site mentioned? It will be much appreciated.


  13. Hi Grant
    Thank you for making this comment here. I have found that it is sometimes a minefield out there. Everybody on the attack and sometmes wrongly so….or self-righteously so. I always try and investigate any person’s teaching that some family members try to promote to me ( because of the deceit going on ) but I have found that even some of the apologist/discernment sites have to be well governed to stop themselves from doing what they are trying to stop………and secondly; if they do it in an unloving, ungodly way….I’m outta there.
    I had that experience a few months ago with another lady on her site…..and she climbed into me when I questioned her about some of the scathing comments she made about others. I quickly learned that a site like that is only for self-promotion and does not promote our wonderful and Holy God at all.

    Maybe you can give us a short-list of these kind of discernment sites to stay clear of???


  14. Great read, but I do think that you need to be a little kinder to Angus whom I know we’ll along with his brother, both as you say are evangelists and like so many of there predecessors are very kind but very shallow theologically , I don’t believe there is but one Systematic Theology written by an evangelist and even that one written by Moody was not good, I am however very concerned about Angus’s relationship with Rick Joiner who does not have it together


    • Jesus was not kind to the Pharisees. Throughout Scripture we are warned to not take kindly to false teachers or to heed those who preach a different gospel to the Gospel of Christ. Paul never spoke kindly about those who opposed the church. Angus Buchan is blasphemous and more recently it has become clearly evident that he is guilty of the worst type of blasphemy, which is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. What he preaches is in many ways not simply in error, but in direct opposition to Biblical doctrine.


  15. Grant……you wrote that Angus blasphemed the Holy Spirit. What was it that he said? And secondly what does he preach that is in direct opposition to the doctrine of the bible? I have never listened to his preaching but from your statement you obviously know the error.


    • Abigail,
      I will try to find and post the link to the clip of Angus Buchan’s blasphemous and shocking show he recently held in Israel, then you will be able to judge for yourself. Regarding his gross theological and biblical errors, they are simply too many to deal with in a comment of this nature. There are numerous articles on this blog, and many others, which provide details of this false showman.


    • Abigail
      Here is the link I promised you. Please watch this prayerfully, asking the Lord to use it to edify you and anyone else who may watch it. It is shockingly blasphemous and completely un-biblical, I have reservations about leaving the link on this blog, so I won’t leave it here indefinitely. Be blessed.


  16. Pingback: WARNING ! WARNING !! Todd Bentley is coming to serve Satan in South Africa | For the Love of His Truth

  17. If Buchan was properly saved by the gospel of the water and the Spirit – John 3:5, he could have been able to fulfill all these ministries. He has rejected this only true gospel that saves perfectly, and so, can only give birth to people just like himself – sinners by spreading the devils lies. Just as a fig tree can only bear figs so a sinner can only give birth to sinners.
    This gospel he is preaching has no power to save one single person from sin. The only gospel that can save perfectly is the one Jesus taught us called the water and the Spirit.
    Because pastors, theologians and preachers have removed this from the Bible and only believe in one part of the atonement, that of the Cross, they have completely nullified salvation God gave. Their judgment awaits them and all who follow them – Matthew 7:20-23.


  18. Pingback: BEWARE !! NEW NAR “BIBLE” A DANGEROUS HERESY | For the Love of His Truth

  19. Pingback: Angus Buchan at Ein Gedi, Debunked | For the Love of His Truth

  20. Pingback: Why Is the Charismatic Movement Thriving in Africa? | For the Love of His Truth

  21. Pingback: Beware !! New NAR “Bible” a dangerous heresy | The Narrowing Path

  22. What is your point? Would you rather he stopped preaching/evangelizing altogether….? the picture shown above was at one of your “public gatherings” with over 400000 people…. i was honored to be one of them….. even if only 10% kept to their commitment that would be over 40000 people that he led to Christ….. Probably more than you will ever lead to Christ in your lifetime and he did it in a weekend…. the world needs less people like you that sit behind their desk criticizing people for doing what they are called to do….


    • dpomzadpomza

      What is your point? Would you rather he stopped preaching/evangelizing altogether….?

      It is the hope of every Christian, saved through the atoning blood of Christ by the grace of God, that every false religious preacher, who spreads a false Gospel would stop altogether and come to the knowledge of the true God.

      ….? the picture shown above was at one of your “public gatherings” with over 400000 people…. i was honored to be one of them…..

      If you are a follower of the Saviour, Jesus Christ and if you know the Word, you would be ashamed to have been there, not honored.

      …even if only 10% kept to their commitment that would be over 40000 people that he led to Christ…..

      No human that walks this earth can make a commitment to God, lest He has enabled them. Our commitment has nothing to do with our salvation. Neither Angus Buchan, the Pope of Rome, my pastor, your pastor, you, nor I, can “lead” someone to salvation, that is God’s work. Even worse, if a false Gospel is being preached as Buchan does, he could not “lead” any one to the truth of Christ, but rather, into iniquity. Buchan has never led a single soul to Christ, because Buchan can’t do that and because has does not preach the Gospel of grace, rather he chooses to preach the gospel according to Angus Buchan, which leads nowhere.

      .. Probably more than you will ever lead to Christ in your lifetime and he did it in a weekend….

      I have already addressed your erroneous point above. If humans could lead other humans to their final destiny, there would not be a single soul in heaven today. Buchan has been leading only the blind into false beliefs and dead spirituality, and as you say, at a rate of 40 000 every weekend. But to realize this, you have to look to the Word of God and read it with a spiritual understanding which is a gift to those who believe in the true God.

      …the world needs less people like you that sit behind their desk criticizing people for doing what they are called to do….

      I agree with you whole-heartedly, that the world could do with far less sinners, like myself, and you and Buchan. However, if you knew that you were called to spread lies about Christ like Buchan does, wouldn’t you want someone to criticize you to show you your error, in the hope that you too could come to know the blessed truth of the Gospel of Christ? The Word of God instructs His children clearly in what they are to do, and whom they are to criticize, but you would only know that if you understood the Word.

      I would provide you Scripture to support what I have said to you, but I doubt whether you would be interested in what the Bible says. It is my prayer that you come to know the Truth, but only if that is in line with God’s will. I certainly hope it is.


      • Amen, Grant. The real sad part is that people like dpomzadpomza thinks it’s a numbers game. A false conversion is no conversion at all.


  23. Pingback: Angus Buchan, 1947- (Updated) | Hillside

  24. Pingback: Angus Buchan roadshow: Coming soon.. to infest your community | For the Love of His Truth

  25. Great article. Malan is wrong however on one thing: “That is precisely what the word revival means – new life where there already is life.”
    “Revival is not a green valley getting greener, but a valley of dry bones being made to live again.” Roy Hession
    Something has to be dead to be revived again. So most good churches experience renewal, or a move of God, but not revival.


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