About Us


Copyright © For the Love of His Truth 2008 – 2013 All Rights Reserved. This image may not be reproduced

Welcome to our blog, which we work hard at maintaining, most of all, for you!

If it were not for your sharing in it, there would hardly be a reason for its existence, now would there?   

Plot huis agter muur

Copyright © For the Love of His Truth 2008 – 2013 All Rights Reserved. This image may not be reproduced

This page includes the following sections:

What is this blog about?

How, when and why did this blog originate?

Who are we and where are we from?

What are our convictions and beliefs?

Important information about the comments and articles on this blog.

Olak 5yrs, Fenn 5yrs, Tiny 5yrs, Tanus 11yrs, Tessa 12yrs, Thaka (beagle) 4yrs

Some of our patient children at dinner time

What is this blog about?

For the Love of His Truth is a blogsite dedicated to providing uncompromising Biblical truth to the reader regarding a diversity of subjects which affect the lives of Christians. It is our intention to proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as presented in the Word of God, and to maintain the centrality of Jesus Christ in all we do here. The blog is voluntarily and privately administered by us as children and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, us having been purchased by His Precious Blood.

It is our desire to provide a platform to prayerfully assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, Biblical doctrine and other topics, while we continue to grow in our own understanding through interacting with other true Christians. It is not our intention to force the reader to agree with us on the issues discussed on the blog, but rather to point the reader to what the Bible teaches and how the Word of God is relevant to all issues. Neither is it our intention that this blog be a place to hold extended discussions or debates on these topics.

There are more than enough sensationalist blogs and forums which continue along deceived paths, while on the surface they proclaim to attack the opponents of the church, in truth, they are attacking the true church by creating yet another form of man-centered gospel under the banner of a ‘discernment’, ‘watchman’, or ‘contending’ ministry of sorts. We do not seek any self glorification, praise or recognition for what we write here, if it does not glorify God, it has no place here.

We are accountable to every saved Christian who reads our material. We undertake to withdraw or amend anything we say, if it can be unequivocally shown from Scripture that we are wrong.

my family (scanned) 031

Copyright © For the Love of His Truth 2008 – 2013 All Rights Reserved. This image may not be reproduced

Children have the natural ability to discern real, comforting and      unpretentious love from ‘big’ people. Most of us know how incredibly observant and brutally honest most children are.  Most animals, and I speak with much experience about dogs in particular, have the same highly developed ability. It almost lends credence to the idea of a “sixth” sense.

my family (scanned) 035

Copyright © For the Love of His Truth 2008 – 2013 All Rights Reserved. This image may not be reproduced

They are able to detect a confident and unpretentious affinity in people with genuine intent toward them. As is the case with children, it is a natural and necessary ability for them to determine authenticity for their safety’s sake. One cannot lie to a child or a dog about sincerity. It might take most of us adults a little longer to discern truthful intentions of others, but eventually all charades and lies about their love for us fall to pieces.

Certain groups of people and professing Christians, who ascribe lesser value to Biblical instruction (sola Scriptura) than they do to a false “experiential” faith, claim that love is greater than doctrine. Such a claim is unscriptural and  therefore we reject it.

While love is important, expected and will be evident in the life of true Christians, those who claim that love is greater, almost always treat us dismally. Of course, not at first, but when the initial interest of making acquaintance dissipates, the inevitable occurs. They seem to expect love to be evident from our side, but they themselves cannot portray genuine, non-analytical, unprejudiced love to us! Mostly, their calls to love are a farce, or rather, pretentious and very short-lived. In fairness, this is a generalization and there is a small minority who are truly compassionate and they know exactly who they are.

Love is a part of doctrine, not a separate issue. Man-centred love cannot replace God’s word. Love does not accept heresy or differences in belief caused by misinterpretation of God’s Word. We must and we will support Godly love anchored in God’s doctrine.

Olak von Schwarzehaus at 2 years old

Copyright © For the Love of His Truth 2008 – 2013 All Rights Reserved. This image may not be reproduced

How, when and why did this blog originate?

After many months of prayerful and painstaking consideration, this blog was launched as The Love of the Truth around December 2010, mostly as a result of my wife, Elmarie’s, continued interest in pursuing the cause. We discussed the need for (yet another) local platform, however one where we would try to limit pseudo-theological mudslinging, avert religious games being played with the Word of God, dissuade contentiousness simply for the sake of contention, oppose self glorification and, above all, encourage solid interpretation and application of Scripture. Of course, there are other sites which are filled with such wonderful, Biblically sound content and truth, lovingly presented to their readers, to whom we continue to link. Still, there are more which we have yet to discover. We thank the Lord for all of these.

God calls to our souls, a calling that is made to whom God wishes to do His work, people of all nations and without intellectual or academic barriers. The humblest servant of God may in fact, have no training whatsoever. What matters most, is that he is called by God. That is sufficient and the only real qualification required to uphold the truth and to give the Gospel to others.

When compared to God’s word, so much of what is recognized as the usual system of local churches, represents a tolerance of sin, will-worship, legalism, unscriptural practice and man centered traditions. Those, who so often use the phrase ‘no church is perfect’, without much thought to what it entails, are in fact admitting that they are willing to accept unbiblical short-comings. It is a tolerance of imperfection for man’s sake. Sadly, most folk allow this thought process to proliferate in their churches, which is why they tell us ‘no church is perfect’.

Of course, no man made denomination can be perfect, and it would be ludicrous to expect it possible, but that does not provide an excuse for extra-biblical practices. There is, however, one perfect church, the universal church, the church which we become members of, by the grace of God’s calling. If you are a true saved believer in Jesus Christ, it is true to say that you belong to a perfect church, the one to which you were added by God.

We prefer to read Scripture in its own light, in God’s words, as opposed to bowing down to a specific ‘brand’ of Christianity, often based on denominational beliefs or tradition, or those of a particular prominent individual or group. Once one is convicted by Scriptural truth, one cannot, in good conscience, return to a false belief or message, or to that which is less than God’s best.

It would be incorrect to understand from what I have written above, that we are opposed to membership of the local church, or that we regard qualified pastors and elders called by God, as superfluous. By no means do we advocate that such unbiblical positions be taken. As Christians, we are instructed by Scripture to be members of the local church against which, as Jesus promised, the gates of hell would not prevail.


Who are we and where are we from?

Not long after its launch, the blog was renamed For the Love of His Truth, and I started writing for the blog. Elmarie regularly re-posts selected articles  and sermons by Biblical pastors and solid authors, past and   present, in order to avail their valuable work to our readers.


In keeping with Bible teaching in 1st Timothy, as a woman, Elmarie holds no position of spiritual authority over men, neither is she a pastor or an elder, nor does she hold any leadership position in a church. It is in accordance with 1 Corinthians 11:5 that she prays for all true Christian brothers and sisters, and proclaims the Word of God.

corgi pups

Fenn young 102 We currently reside in Gauteng Province of South Africa. Our home is on a small farm from where we run our family owned manufacturing and wholesaling business.  We share our lives and our home with far too many, or maybe still too few dogs. As a family we have been a registered German Shepherd Dog kennel and great dog lovers since at least 1951. Among the breeds which we adore and keep are also Beagles, Pugs and Corgis. But frankly, any dog will do! The dogs on this page are some of the dogs with which we have been blessed over more recent years. There are more at present, and have been many others, all very well loved children, dedicated protectors and servants, true and loyal lifelong friends. I simply didn’t want to make this page look too much like an advert for a doggie hotel! Some of these little gifts on the photos have passed on, while others still bless us every day.

L-R Fenn, Tiny, Tessa, Tanus

I have been a passionate musician since my pre-school years, but I have not performed or recorded commercially or publicly for a long time. I love stormy weather, rain, mist, snow and cloudy days. Elmarie loves to do silk ribbon embroidery, is an avid reader and rose gardener. She loves fine weather, warm and sunny days. Our son has a passion for adventure motorcycling and the great outdoors, which we are blessed to have an abundance of in Southern Africa. Our daughter is a keen professional photographer alongside her other artistic talents. Both of them are also quite at home with musical instruments.

Winston pup 1

From our office and warehouse on the farm, we distribute our mostly medical ranges of animal products throughout our large and uniquely blessed country. Due to the nature of our business, we have traveled extensively throughout Southern Africa over the past twenty plus years, during which we have covered over 6,000,000 km’s by road alone, excluding our monthly air travels, and we are still counting. Through these means God has provided countless unique opportunities for us to proclaim the Gospel, fellowship with other Christians from all walks, distribute free Bibles, tracts, Christian resources and tools, to people in our cities, towns and remote rural areas.

nitani 134

Our sudden African sunsets

What are our convictions and beliefs?

The Sovereignty of God

God is completely sovereign, in control of absolutely everything at all times. There is not a single molecule floating about in the universe that is outside of His sovereign will and purpose. Everything that happens is either caused or allowed by Him for His own perfect purposes.

God almighty is absolutely sovereign in all things, specifically in predestination, creation, providence, and salvation (Rom. 8:28-30; 11:33-36).

Everything that comes to pass in time was predestinated by God in eternity and is brought to pass by God in providence for the salvation of his elect (Rom. 8:28-30; Eph. 1:11).


God created all things, including the spirit world, out of nothing, in six literal days. He rested on the seventh day, which was also a literal day. God did NOT create over a long period of time. Evolution and theistic evolution are heresies. It is not possible, scientifically or Biblically, for one kind to evolve into another kind.


All humankind are born in sin. There are no exceptions to this law and no exceptions to the law of judgment upon them. Sin separates us all from God.

Adam and Eve were sinless when they were created by God. Through their disobedience to God, sin entered the world. This disobedience was the original sin and was the fall of mankind. Since the fall of man, all humans are born in sin.

Original sin is the cause of all secondary sins. Even if humans lived impossibly perfect lives and never committed any other sins during their lives, they would still be eternally damned, because of their original sin with which all men are born.

The Trinity

We believe there is only one true God. He is a Trinity. He is one God eternally existing in three co-equal Persons; Father and Son and Holy Spirit.


We hold firmly to the glorious doctrines of grace as laid out clearly in Scripture. It is in this way that God saves sinners by His sovereign grace which results in God receiving all the glory for their being saved. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8,9.)

Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ and His finished work of redemption alone. It is not by the free will or good works or religion of man. We are directly opposed to all will-worship, works based, self righteous and legalistic religious church practices.

We believe in the total depravity of all men by sin; the personal, eternal election of God unto salvation; the particular redemption of the elect by Christ’s blood; the irresistible grace of the Holy Spirit in effectual calling; and the final perseverance of the saints in faith and holiness.

God in His Sovereignty chose some of Adam’s fallen race to eternal life in Christ before the world began (Eph. 1:3-6; 2 Thess. 2:13-14).

The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for and redeemed those elect sinners chosen to salvation in eternity and called to life and faith in Him in time (Heb. 9:12; Rev. 5:9).

God the Holy Spirit regenerates and calls every chosen, redeemed sinner to life and faith in Christ by the irresistible power of his grace through the preaching of the gospel (Rom. 1:16-17; 10:13-17; 1 Cor. 1:21-23; James 1:18; 1 Pet. 23-25).

Every sinner born again by God’s free, sovereign, irresistible grace is kept in life and faith in Christ by that same grace unto eternal glory, being sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13-14).

All who are born of God, being redeemed by Christ, are forever and entirely free from the law (Rom. 6:14-15; 7:4; 10:4).

Our doctrine is the gospel of salvation by God’s free and sovereign grace through the merits of Christ, our crucified, risen, exalted Lord and King, who gives eternal life to whom he will. “Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9). “So then, it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy” (Rom. 9:16).

We reject human devices such as ‘altar calls’ or any other suggestion that we may ‘choose’ God, ‘choose’ to be saved or make a decision ‘for’ Christ.

The Church

We are not ruled, governed or in any way obligated to any creed, any denominational confession of faith, or any tradition of men that is not explicitly laid out in the Word of God. Each assembly of believers is to be independent and self-governing.

The church of Christ is our spiritual family. The people of God are our brothers and sisters. The greatest earthly privilege that we enjoy, the greatest earthly blessing God has bestowed upon us, is the privilege of being a part of this assembly of believers. The church is made up of men and women, sinful, mortal people of flesh and blood, frail, weak, depraved men and women; but they are men and women in Christ who are redeemed and regenerated by the grace of God. Fellowship involves communion, agreement of heart, and unity of spirit. Where there is no agreement upon gospel truths there is no fellowship.

It is one thing to have our names on a church role, but it is something else to be a member of the church of God. Church membership is an alliance of hearts to one another in Christ. It is a voluntary commitment of love, a loving commitment to Christ and to one another for Christ’s sake. To unite with the church of God is to make a public commitment to the worship of Christ, the gospel of Christ, and the church of Christ.

We believe that the true church adheres to the Word of God alone as its only standard and rule of faith and practice.

We believe that the Church consists only of those sinners saved by Grace. ‘Membership’ is automatic for such. The church of Jesus Christ is not a building or a denomination on earth and it has no earthly leaders, pope or head. All Christians who have been, or who will be, born, are forever of the True Church.

There are to be no popes, bishops, synods, denominations or any other unbiblical hierarchies to answer to and to be corrupted by. Jesus Christ is the only Head and Lawgiver of the church, through His Word.

We believe in the priesthood of the believers.

We believe in the separation of church and state.

Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour

Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, Lord, Christ and the only Savior of men. He is the God-man, true God and true man in one Person and the one Mediator between God and men. He died a substitutionary death on the cross for the sins of His people, was buried, and rose again bodily from the dead the third day. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Race and nations

All people are created in the image of God. All people are of one race – the human race. The idea that there must be many different races is a man-made concept and is as unbiblical as it is unscientific. There are many ethnic groups and nations, but all belong to one race. All forms of racism, prejudice, and discrimination are affronts to the work of Christ on the cross.

The End Times

We believe in the single, personal, visible, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory at the last day to raise all men from the dead for the final and general judgment. This will be immediately followed by the creation of the new heavens and the new earth. The wicked shall then go into everlasting punishment in hell and the righteous into life eternal in heaven, which is the eternal state.

Heaven and Hell

We believe that Heaven and Hell are real places. Hell is a place of unimaginable terror and woe, a place removed from the Presence of God. Heaven is a place filled with joy and peace and is in the Presence of God.

The Bible, the Word of God

We believe that the Bible in the entirety of its 66 books is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. We do not believe that there is any form of extra-biblical revelation that takes place since the inception of the complete canon of Scripture. The Word of God, completely and utterly, is perfect and without flaw or contradiction. It is our only guide for living and for faith.

We uphold the Five Solas being Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria.

Apostles, prophets and gifts today

There are none who hold the offices of prophet or apostle today. There are none today who have the gifts of speaking in tongues, miracles, healing, or prophecy. There is no need for any of these things. We have the full, final, complete revelation of God in the Scriptures. Since that which is Perfect is come, that which was in part is no longer needed. Gifts of the Spirit can be, and often are, counterfeited by Satan (2 Thess. 2:7-10). Miraculous gifts, which appear to be gifts of the Spirit, are by no means an evidence of grace, salvation, and eternal life.

Satan and Demons

Before Satan sinned, he was chief among the angels of heaven. Satan sinned against God and was thrown out of heaven by God to inhabit earth for a season, along with other angels who supported his evil intentions. The angels who were cast out of heaven along with Satan are called demons. Satan and his demons are spirit creatures and they have immense power, knowledge and influence, but have been overcome by Jesus Christ.

Demons are not spirits of the dead or “ghosts”. Because of their great ability to influence mankind, they are able to fool people into believing many lies. They are able to mimic people, influence people and pretend to be friendly spirits of dead people, but all manifestations of this kind are evil. Demons cannot “possess” Christians who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, but they can and do tempt, influence and cause the saved Christian to commit sin.

Satan has been defeated, overcome and bound by Jesus Christ (Rev 20, Matt 12), and as such, he is unable to stop the arrival and advance of the kingdom. However, Satan can still wield great influence over people. He is now even more dangerous, angry and active than before he was defeated, because he knows his time is short and that he is soon to be cast into the lake of fire for eternity at the coming of our victorious Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe that ecumenism is a tool of Satan and is not of God. Ecumenism refers to the combining of ‘Protestantism’ and Roman Catholicism, Christianity and any religion, or the joining together of whole denominations. All denominations are made up of local churches whose local witness and beliefs may be unsound and whose individual members may, or may not, be saved. Only the saved may join with the saved, and no other. Ecumenism could possibly also apply to the confluence of local churches for wider ‘witness’, especially where some churches may have unsound witness and doctrine.

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

We believe there are only two church ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s table

We believe that immersion in water of believers is the only true Biblical baptism. Any value granted to infant baptism, is a great deception. Infant baptism is no true baptism, and should be avoided lest those who are spiritually immature be led astray by the false connotations to this belief.

We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act performed in memory of Jesus Christ. The purpose of taking part in this service is not to ‘get a blessing’, but simply to remember Jesus Christ and His Perfect sacrifice, until His Second Coming.

The Reformation

We believe that the Reformation was an act of God and the greatest revival ever. This does not imply that we support believers who wish to be known as ‘Calvinists’ or ‘Reformed’. We do not subscribe to those affiliations; we do not ascribe to ourselves the title of Reformed, Calvinist or any other humanly-devised denomination.


We believe that Calvinism is no better than Arminianism or Romanism, if that Calvinism is without Christ. Calvinism has no more to do with salvation than Arminianism or Romanism does. Christians are not those who have been converted to Calvinism. Christians are not concerned with converting unbelievers to Calvinism. Christians want to see sinners saved by the grace of God, converted by the power of God to Jesus Christ the Lord. What matters is how the Bible defines the Gospel, not the definition thereof according to Arminius, Calvin, Roman Catholicism, the Baptist church, Mormonism or any other source other than Scripture.

Heresies, false doctrines, practices and religions

This is by no means a complete historical list and it is constantly being added to. With the vast diversity of deceptions that Satan has used to mislead people, we would probably need hundreds of pages of this nature to mention them all. Even in this list there are glaring omissions, which we will gladly add if you would make us aware of them. We believe that these are all false doctrines, movements and practices, among many others. I have lumped all false religions under the singular entry of “All religions”.

Adoptionism, Albigensianism, All religions, Altar calls, Anglo-Israelism, Antinomianism, Apollinarianism, Arianism, Arminianism, Asceticism, Averroism, Charismaticism, Christadelphianism, Christian Science, Christian Zionism, Common Grace, Decision theology, Denominationalism, Dispensationalism, Divorce and remarriage, Docetism, Donatism, Ecumenism, Emergent movement, Eutychianism, Evolution, Extra-Biblical revelation, Feeneyism, Full preterism, Gnosticism, Hebrew Roots movement, Humanism, Iconodulism, Idolatry, Iglesia ni Christo, Institute of Metaphysical research, Interfaith movement, International Churches of Christ, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Joels Army, Kenosis, Kingdom Now theology, Labyrinth ‘walking’, Latter rain movement, Lectio Divina, Legalism, Liberalism, Manichaeism, Marcionism, Modalism, Modernism, Monarchianism, Monophysitism, Monothelitism, Montanism, Mormonism, Mysticism, Nestorianism, New Age movement, New Anointing, New Apostolic Reformation, New Calvinism, New Wine movement, Ogamisama, Oneness Pentecostals, Paedobaptism, Panentheism, Pantheism, Patripassionism, Pelagianism, Pentecostalism, Prayer ‘soaking’, Popery, Post-apostolic faith healing, Post-apostolic glossolalia, Post-modernism, Prayer ‘walking’, Prosperity preaching, Public or organized fasting, Rastafarianism, Reformed Charismaticism, Reincarnationism, Religious tolerance, Roman Catholicism, Sabellianism, Sacred name movement, Scientology, Semi-pelagianism, Sinner’s prayer, Slain in the Spirit, Socinianism, solo Scriptura, Subordinationism, Synergism, Theistic evolution, Tritheism, Unification church, Unity Church, Universal atonement, Universal World church, Universalism, Woman pastors or elders, Word of Faith movement, Xenolalia

We agree that “The greatest deception to fall upon humanity isn’t atheism, communism, universalism, asceticism, or pantheism. It is by far the deception of self-righteousness–the erroneous belief that man can earn immortality through religious works”.- Ray Comfort


Some important information about the comments and articles on this blog:

1) Should you decide to leave a comment please be kind and loving towards others. If you disagree with the content of an article, feel free to mention your differences from a Biblical perspective, rather than voicing differences based on a radical opinion or the opinion of questionable preachers or religious types.

2) All comments are moderated and no rudeness will be tolerated. Rude, insensitive and unbiblical comments will not be placed. We will delete offensive, inconsiderate and obviously anti-Scriptural comments. We are accountable to every saved Christian who reads the material on this blog, therefore we reserve the right to disapprove comments which we regard as detrimental or opposing to the truth.

3) This blog is not about being sensationalist, self-serving or victorious. It is not about selling a particular viewpoint, other than that of Scripture. Consider readers who may be seeking the Truth; immature Christians who need the nourishment of Scriptural milk; those caught up in false religions or deceived belief systems who need to hear the Truth and the saving Word of the Gospel. Always keep the Gospel in focus in your contributions, if possible. (Pro 27:5-6)  Better is open rebuke than hidden love. 6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

4) From time to time there may be articles placed here of a “discerning” nature. These articles may have relevance to the false church, false teachings, false preachers, false doctrine, opponents of the Word. As there is no Biblical instruction or commission for a “Discernment ministry” per se, especially not in the form which many of the unloving sites which are flooding the internet assume, please do not regard this blog as such a ministry in any way. All saved, born again Christians do have and should employ the ability, to discern falsities in the Christian church by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit and according to the Word of God. All answers are in the Bible and the studious Berean Christian (Acts 17:10-11) will find the truth nowhere else, but in the Bible.

5) The focus of this blog is to provide a place where a form of fellowship can be enjoyed and where edification of the believer will be a natural progression from that fellowship. However, we underline the fact that fellowship on social media or any internet source cannot replace true personal fellowship. If you feel that you can contribute in a positive way, let this blog be a place where you can minister to or share your faith with others (1 Peter 2:5-9).

6) We are Biblical Christians by the grace of God with no affiliation to any denominational institution other than the universal church of saved believers in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. We are accountable to every saved Christian. We do have many brothers and sisters who do subscribe to specific denominations and teachings and we do not intend to use this blog as a soap box from which to defend or attack any of the beloved, or their views, on condition that those views are Biblical.

7) We have encountered a wealth of solid Biblical teaching on the internet. It seems an almost inexhaustible source of accessible and affordable Bible teaching, and we thank the Lord for providing His church with these tools. Through it the Word can reach so many corners of the globe. Technology is God’s Creation and it enables not only the unbelieving world, but also the true church. Unfortunately and unavoidably, there is an equal or greater amount of dangerous doctrine and false teaching on the internet. Therefore, we will attempt to not publish details contained in comments, which may lead or link to other sources which are questionably Biblical or who do not act primarily in a loving or edifying way. We do apologize beforehand if we edit out the wrong ones or let the wrong ones through! We are not infallible, but we do proclaim and worship an infallible Christ!

8 ) If you reject or wish to disagree with the Truth and Biblical fact that salvation is by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ alone, or that the sole authority for the Christian is the complete Word of God in the Bible, or contend that the God of the Bible is not a sovereign God and that all of creation including the salvation of believers is to Glorify Him alone, then this is probably not the place to do that.

9) If, however, you wish to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour and wish to bring that message to others, this is where you can do that.

10) Our prayer and hope is that whoever reads or uses this blog as a meeting place, may be blessed by sharing and proclaiming the Truth on it, or be blessed by coming to know the Truth by hearing the Gospel. It is not our intention to be known as a ministry, but if the sharing between believers does minister to anyone, it will be so by the Grace of God. It is our hope that we may reach any Christian or lonely person seeking truth and fellowship.

11) Articles placed or written on this blog are generally the position held by, and in agreement with, the blog administrators’ opinions. Response by the administrators to public comments allowed on this blog may be limited in an attempt to circumvent flippant contentious issues (1 Co 11:16, 1 Tim 1:4-11).  Public comments which do appear in response to the articles on this blog, are not necessarily representative of the opinion of the administrators of this blog, neither are they to be regarded as necessarily Biblically correct.

We wish to thank everyone from our hearts, those who read and contribute to this blog in every way.

Please don’t feel the need to be too formal. I have a particular aversion to conformity, formality and mediocrity, and I have a particular appreciation for a good, clean and open sense of humour.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Grant & Elmarie

Soli Deo Gloria


Some of our local churches who seem to be truly blessed with joyous, thankful, humble and unpretentious congregations. Blessed and very touching trials and tribulations will abound there among these very realistic people. Often we find more worth placed on the Word and meaningful fellowship at their humble gatherings, than at most brick and mortar church palaces in affluent areas, where the right money, the right attitude, the right image, legalism and the trappings of success, overshadow true unity and fellowship. Under the trees and among the shacks are not likely to be many conference fashionistas or rock star preachers. Stage lighting and the day jobs and attire of the elders are not likely to be points of conversation. 
The LORD is near to those whose hearts are humble. He saves those whose spirits are crushed (Ps 34:18)

tree church veld


african church

The Church at Saminaka


Please note Copyright ©  all images on this page belongs to the blog owners , should any images be taken from here and found elsewhere on the internet , we will report you for Copyright infringement and theft.

Copyright © For the Love of His Truth 2008 – 2022  All Rights Reserved. No part of this page or its images may be reproduced without Grant and Elmarie Swart’s  express consent. See our contact us page for email details.

52 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Noelle

    Your gravatar is the cutest thing! … and the caption accompanying about music and poetry is so very, very true. I must assume that you love music and cats?

    Be blessed!


  2. Thank you also, Hilgard, for your kind words, participation, assistance and support. If, through our humble effort on this site, any lost sheep comes to find the narrow gate to the everlasting sanctuary of our Lord Jesus Christ, God would have done more than we ever could have set out to achieve. Be blessed in God’s Truth and much Grace to you.


  3. I found your blog by accident…hmmm, maybe not. Blogs can be full of personal agendas to say the least, and claim they are in the Name of the Truth of Jesus Christ. Well, I found that is most often not the case. And the behaviour is far from Christian in the “love” content. So I’ve signed up for your auto-email, will put you on my prayerlist, and praise the Lord He led me here!! I’ll be taking the time to read your articles, originally I came looking for something on Chrislam, but Internet Explorer wouldn’t allow me to view the site I was trying to access, so I chose your link…..accident, maybe not! haha Glad I found you. All the glory to our Lord and Saviour!! Thank you for your work!


    • Carol, That’s great! I know what you mean about some blogs and questionable things on the internet. Elmarie is one of the sweetest ladies I’ve met on Facebook and here on her blog. She is a very positive person, always encouraging, and sound in doctrine. You couldn’t have “accidentally” found a better spot!


  4. I came to hear Jonathan Edwards narative – powerful. Was that Grant’s voice? I’ve discerned this site to be another tool of God, but I did see an advertisement with a fireman and then he was making an alcoholic drink for the ladies. Did you have a choice in having advertisements on your site?

    Another sister-in-the-Lord,
    Barbara/Brighton (USA)


    • Barbara Tonk

      Thank you for your comment and concern over the adverts.

      It is indeed a powerful sermon. No, it is not Grant’s voice, I will have to look up who is the narrator.

      Sis Unfortunately with WordPress we have no control over the adverts, but think one can buy an option to have no adverts, the cost is very high though. Being in South Africa the cost in US Dollar is a times 8 for us.

      May you have a blessed day in he Lord there in Brighton.

      Your sister in the Lord


  5. Hello to you both! I am blessed by your articles. For one, I am very happy you have started up a blog site. You are both solid in your beliefs. I especially like your list of books and other web sites. I hope this goes well for you two. Elmarie, we meet on fb and end up joining you and your hubbys blog site!! I feel blessed to have met you sis.



  6. Hi, I love your blog title. I love fundamental biblical truth. It is rare.nowadays when there are so many new age revolutions which corrupt it in the name of ‘grace’.


    • Peter

      Thank you for your encouraging comment. As you say, biblical truth is becoming a rarity and is even frowned upon within many church circles. I hope we can continue to stand for that Truth without making too many errors, as so often we are reliant on our own weakness and fallibility. I also wish to point out that we should use the word “fundamental” with caution, as I have recently written about in an article “Are you a Fundamentalist? More problems with man-made labels”, which I published elsewhere on this blog.

      Blessings to you.


  7. [Great blog, Elmarie. What follows is what I discovered on the exciting web.]

    Pretrib Rapture Pride

    by Bruce Rockwell

    Pretrib rapture promoters like Thomas Ice give the impression they know more than the early Church Fathers, the Reformers, the greatest Greek New Testament scholars including those who produced the KJV Bible, the founders of their favorite Bible schools, and even their own mentors!
    Ice’s mentor, Dallas Sem. president John Walvoord, couldn’t find anyone holding to pretrib before 1830 – and Walvoord called John Darby and his Brethren followers “the early pretribulationists” (RQ, pp. 160-62). Ice belittles Walvoord and claims that several pre-1830 persons, including “Pseudo-Ephraem” and a “Rev. Morgan Edwards,” taught a pretrib rapture. Even though the first one viewed Antichrist’s arrival as the only “imminent” event, Ice (and Grant Jeffrey) audaciously claim he expected an “imminent” pretrib rapture! And Ice (and John Bray) have covered up Edwards’ historicism which made a pretrib rapture impossible! Google historian Dave MacPherson’s “Deceiving and Being Deceived” for documentation on these and similar historical distortions.
    The same pretrib defenders, when combing ancient books, deviously read “pretrib” into phrases like “before Armageddon,” “before the final conflagration,” and “escape all these things”!
    BTW, the KJV translators’ other writings found in London’s famed British Library (where MacPherson has researched) don’t have even a hint of pretrib rapturism. Is it possible that Ice etc. have found pretrib “proof” in the KJV that its translators never found?
    Pretrib merchandisers like Ice claim that nothing is better pretrib proof than Rev. 3:10. They also cover up “Famous Rapture Watchers” (on Google) which shows how the greatest Greek NT scholars of all time interpreted it.
    Pretrib didn’t flourish in America much before the 1909 Scofield Bible which has pretribby “explanatory notes” in its margins. Not seen in the margins was jailed forger Scofield’s criminal record throughout his life that David Lutzweiler has documented in his recent book “The Praise of Folly” which is available online.
    Biola University’s doctrinal statement says Christ’s return is “premillennial” and “before the Tribulation.” Although universities stand for “academic freedom,” Biola has added these narrow, restrictive phrases – non-essentials the founders purposely didn’t include in their original doctrinal statement when Biola was just a small Bible institute! And other Christian schools have also belittled their founders.
    Ice, BTW, has a “Ph.D” issued by a tiny Texas school that wasn’t authorized to issue degrees! Ice now says that he’s working on another “Ph.D” via the University of Wales in Britain. For light on the degrees of Ice’s scholarliness, Google “Bogus degree scandal prompts calls to wind up University of Wales,” “Thomas Ice (Bloopers),” “be careful in polemics – Peripatetic Learning,” and “Walvoord Melts Ice.” Also Google “Thomas Ice (Hired Gun)” – featured by media luminary Joe Ortiz on his Jan. 30, 2013 “End Times Passover” blog.
    Other fascinating Google articles include “The Unoriginal John Darby,” “X-raying Margaret,” “Edward Irving in Unnerving,” “Pretrib Rapture Politics,” “Pretrib Rapture Secrets,” “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty,” “Pretrib Hypocrisy,” “Pretrib Rapture Secrecy,” and “Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism” – most from the author of “The Rapture Plot,” the most accurate documentation on pretrib rapture history.
    Can anyone guess who the last proud pretrib rapture holdout will be?
    (Postscript: For another jolt or two Google “The Background Obama Can’t Cover Up.”)


  8. Wow…, thank you sister Elmarie for leading me to this good blog. I just love everything. The Lord is great. I was missing a lot. God bless


  9. I cannot tell you how excited and elated I am to have found this site/blog…a true blessing! I am disabled and homebound much of the time. I am so thankful for the Internet and for this opportunity to be exposed to the Truth of His Word through you folks. Your humility, kindness, and gentleness are so evident as I read…I truly appreciate your example. It is not only refreshing, but will also serve to set a powerful example for myself. It is hard to express how grateful I am to The Lord for providing me with various people/”ministries” that know and understand the Truth and are making it known. I am coming out of many false doctrines and teachings…thank you for this blog which will help me to sort much out. ❤


    • Susan,

      Thank you for your comment. Thank you for the kind words spoken. You can also, if you have not done so follow the link at the top on the right column to subscribe and to be informed of all the new posts via email.

      Looking forward in hearing from you.

      Lord be with you


  10. Hi Grant and Elmarie ,just happened upon your site looking for some ideas on sanctification , I have always had trouble understanding the concept of progressive sanctification , especially when contemplating the lives of old testament Saints and looking at my own experience , I have been a Christian for 32 years and found your article on the subject a revelation, My wife and I were really Blessed to be saved at the same time and at the beginning attended a Pentecostal Church but it was not long before we realised we couldn’t` remain there, and moved into mainstream evangelicalism. We eventually embraced the doctrines of Grace about 28 years ago but felt the Reformed Churches were not “our cup of tea” .and so have struggled on since then attending our local evangelical Church. we are looking forward to reading more of your thoughts and articles , and remembering you in our prayers . Stuart and Denise Jones ,Stockport England


  11. I just discovered your blog. Love your list of heresies and look forward to investigating the ones I’m unfamiliar with. I often say to others that it seems every day another departure from truth springs up. I would suggest adding to your list one pervasive “ism” that I’m sure you inadvertently left out- denominationalism. We’ve had a meeting in our home for the last 10 years here on Maui. My own response to the oft repeated comment “there’s no perfect church” is to reply “Oh, but there most certainly is and it’s the one Christ is building and we have no business being members of anything that has something less than perfection as it’s goal.” A couple of my favorite websites are by Peter Ditzel (former Armstrongite) and Peter Pett (internet bible college). Keep up the good work! Alan Spencer


    • Alan

      Thank you for commenting. I most certainly agree that there is a perfect Church, because it is of Christ. To state that there is no perfect church, is a most lame attempt by those who would disguise their own obvious shortcomings, rather than trust in Christ fully to have dealt with all their human fallibility, iniquity and sin. Man simply always tries to maintain some kind of control over all matters.

      It reminds me of the flippant statement people often make, “Life is hard”, or “Life is not easy”. How much thought have they really put into that statement? They are quick to say, “Life is hard”, but compared to what? Death?

      Yes, ‘new’ heresies are constantly being presented as truth in the denominational realm, and in this time when religious, cultural and moral tolerance is preferred to absolute truth, they are powerful weapons being used by the unbelieving world against the true church.


  12. I just want you to know that finding your blog is like a breath of fresh air, what a blessing! Just reading your “about us” section is so wonderfully refreshing and encouraging! Knowing there are people like you out there contending for the faith helps me realize I’m not alone. I am 58 years old and have been a ‘Christian’ all my life but realized 4 years ago that everything I thought was truth was anything but. Only by God’s grace and mercy and by the working of His Holy Spirit through the Word of God did I realize I was walking in deception. My whole world was turned upside down and inside out when I realized the error of the deadly mix of extreme charismatic, WOF, NAR, spiritual warfare gobbledygook I was believing in. I left my church of 25 years, lost a lot of friends, and have been called all manner of unkind things in the process, I’m sure you can imagine, it’s nothing new. I am currently dealing with the situation of speaking truth to loved ones involved in the Hebrew Roots deception so I have greatly appreciated your perspective on that.

    May God bless you in all you do, and once again, thank you!


    • I can certainly relate your feeling slightly isolated in your walk with the Lord. So it is with every true Christian. Looking back at the friends we might have lost when the Lord brought us into His light, we might do well to reflect on whether they were merely our friends in the world, but not our brothers and sisters in Christ. Those who were your true friends in Christ, will still be your true friends. Those who have rejected you, are friends of the world. Those who continue to cling to religious traditions, denominational vibes and atmospheres, legalistic rituals, works based salvation, false doctrines of will-worship, fake man-centered “spiritual gifts”, and the list goes on, are friends of the world.

      The truth of the Gospel is not popular. The Sovereignty of God is not a popular doctrine among those who regard themselves as being of significant value to God, in and of themselves. I try to keep that in mind when I post on the blog, and because I do not exalt men or their doctrines sufficiently according to their standards, often what I write is not popular with the masses. However, being popular is not why I must follow Jesus, or why I write here.

      Thank you for your kind words about the blog and for your comments under the different articles. Your comments are also like a welcome breeze. I’m sure you will find that there are certain non-essential things with which you could disagree here, as well. We are all fallible, and I would be a liar if I claimed that everything on the blog is perfect truth, as far too many preachers are apt to claim. “Divine revelation”, I think, is what some of them like to call it.

      I rejoice in your faith and encourage you to remain strong in your walk with the Lord. It is never easy, but then, it is not supposed to be, in this life. Rejoice in your shortcomings and failures, for they keep you entirely reliant on His grace. When you stumble, and when the world causes you to fall, know that your are in His embrace, because He chose you!

      God bless.


    • contendingearnestly

      In addition to my previous comment, may I suggest one of my favourite short pieces regarding the lonely walk of the Christian. Every time I read it, I find it particularly comforting and re-assuring. You might have read it before?

      Here is the link:

      The Saint Must Walk Alone


  13. Thank you for your very kind words of encouragement they serve as a much needed soothing balm which is much needed in my life right now. I will indeed read the suggested article.

    Your statement of personal convictions and beliefs could have been written by myself, that is what has made it so difficult for me to find a place to fellowship. I sincerely do desire fellowship, but the compromises that would have to be made to do that in any church I have been to so far are just too great for me to bear. I struggle with that, I don’t want to be legalistic in my beliefs, just simply faithful to God’s Word. I am repeatedly told “but there is no perfect church”, I know that is true, but I am also quite aware of the enormous depth of my past deception and I do not want to ever be deceived like that again.

    The truth is, I don’t completely trust myself. I had to allow the holy spirit, through the study of the pure Word of God, to undo all the false teaching I had been indoctrinated with, and start from the beginning to build a whole new foundation built on His Truth. It has been quite a process involving much weeping and repenting on my part. God is certainly not finished with me yet but I have come a long way in four years. One of the most amazing things to me was the freedom I gained as I was set free from the deception, I had no idea the bondage I was under from the very false teachings that claimed to bring freedom to those who participated in them. But that’s how the devil works isn’t it? He takes us captive while promising us freedom and deliverance.

    It is only by God’s grace and mercy that I am where I am today and all praise belongs to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His faithfulness, and my deepest desire is to honor Him and glorify Him in all I do, and all I am for the rest of my life.

    I know you live in South Africa and I live so very far away in the United States, but it is amazing how close it can seem via the internet and how comforting and encouraging it can be to know you are there. Thank You!


  14. Dear elder sister Elmarie,
    I am afraid I am unable to email you. Whenever I click on the “Email Us/ Comments” button, I get the message “Outlook 2007 Start Up” and it keeps asking for my password in order to configure my email to it.
    As it is, I am sceptical about anything on Internet which asks for my password due to some bad experiences I have had in the past.
    So what should I do if I want to write you but not in public domain like here?


    • Dear bro Lichawa Thole,

      Thank you for letting me know about the email problem. I will look into it asap. I am forwarding my other email to you in minute or so. 🙂
      God bless


  15. FTLOHT, I am encouraged to see your website, as it extols the supremacy of the Word of God, inerrant. This is so important, as true believers must remember that God promised to preserve His Word. A core problem in the Church today is the disconnect between the truth of Biblical integrity and modern BIble translations. Many church “Statements of Belief” today say they believe in the inerrant Bible “in the autographs” (original manuscripts) which no longer exist! They also affirm the Westminster Confession asserting the inerrant condition of the scriptures WE HAVE. The two positions oppose each other. Dr. Paul M. Elliott wrote an 8-Part Series on under Scripture and the Church on the teachingtheword.org website. Every believer should read it, because modern translations that use the corrupt Westcott-Hort Greek translation of the New Testament from the late 1800s is guilty of “adding to” and “taking from” God’s Word as is preserved in the Received Text (Textus Receptus). The importance of this cannot be overstated. And everyone, who states belief in the inerrant Bible, needs to clarify that this means translations of the Received Text. – David


  16. Hi Guys, just discovered your blog site and read just about everything in “about us”. Must say that I am in total agreement on all points. It took me about 35 years to realize I was Arminian, semi-pelagian in my interpretation of Scripture but all glory to God, my precious savior and Lord, Jesus Christ through the leading of the Holy Spirit I have entered into the beautiful world of the Truth. Just one question: have you discontinued your blog as I can’t find any comments after August 2014?
    My prayer is that the LORD continue to bless your labour so for His glory.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your comment. We rejoice in the fact that you have come to know the Truth and that you are safe in the Hand of our Lord! Praise Him for His immeasurable Grace and mercy. We have not discontinued the blog and readership is very steady according to the site stats, etc. It does seem, however, that the number of readers who wish to dispute the simplicity of the Gospel, by placing undue value on their own worth and will, have thankfully diminished through the years.
      It certainly has become a lot more “peaceful” and far less contentious in the comment section. I must also mention that we have certainly discouraged contentious comments and commentators, as we have never regarded the blog as a place where we would wish enter into lengthy fruitless debate over Christian issues with will-worshippers and religious types. As a result, the many who have tried to engage us in debate over issues, simply for the sake of trying to give credence to their own extra-biblical religious beliefs, have been ignored and their comments have not been published.
      I have never been able to see the point of adopting a tolerant attitude toward those who have religious differences, when those differences are not founded in Scripture, simply in order to maintain or elicit readership on the blog. The Truth, as you may well know, has never been popular with the world, neither has the Truth ever been popular with the professing, yet false Christians of the world. If it seems evident in any comment, that Christ is not ALL and that the worth of man’s will is being defended, I tend to be very straight-forward in dismissing it.
      It may seem harsh in this post-modern world of religious tolerance, and it does not make for many fans from outside of the true church. But, the aim of this blog is not to win the popularity stakes, rather, if at all possible, it is to uphold Biblical truth.
      That having been said, there are many, many comments which have been published on the blog since August 2014. I’m not quite sure where you have been reading, but there are approximately 1000 articles on the blog, and there is a steady stream of comments under those articles.
      Thank you for your prayers and may the Lord be Glorified by His work in your Faith also!

      Liked by 1 person

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