Should believers celebrate Christmas?

Read Romans 14:1-23

No one knows the day of our Lord’s incarnation. The Holy Spirit did not reveal it to us. And, as believers, we must not be brought into a bondage observance of any day. We must not honor one day above another. We do not observe holy days and sabbath days of any kind. To be sure, the world’s observance of Christmas has little, if anything, to do with the worship and honor of Christ. For these reasons, and many others, some of the Lord’s people conscientiously choose not to join in any form of Christmas celebration. I respect their opinions and convictions – I must, because I once shared them. While we must not look upon those who differ with us in scorn or contempt (Rom. 14:1-5), I believe it is best for us wisely to use this season of the year.

At this season of the year people everywhere are reminded of the fact that Jesus Christ lived and died in this world. Above all else, I have chosen to celebrate Christmas, because it gives me an open door for preaching the gospel for the honor of Christ and the salvation of men.

Another motive for celebrating this season of the year is the fact that it is a time of giving. It does my heart good to see men and women engaged in seeking the happiness of other people. Such a spirit should be encouraged and nourished, not dampened and reprimanded.

And Christmas is a time for the family. More so than at any other season of the year, families try to get together for Christmas. All the children come home with all their children. It is truly a happy time. I am for anything that promotes such family feelings.

Yes, I think that it is best for us to celebrate Christmas, not as a religious holy day, but for the remembrance of that blessed event when the Son of God assumed our nature, that he might live and die as our Substitute and accomplish our eternal redemption. December 25 is nothing to us. But Immanuel is everything to us. We will magnify our Lord, our Savior, our King for his birth!

 Don Fortner

5 thoughts on “Should believers celebrate Christmas?

      • I agree with Don and love to celebrate Cristmas with my family. Good things do come from giving presents to one another as long as we focus on what this celebration is about. We do not have to be legalistic because it used to be a heathern holiday. We use the heathen day and turned it around for Christ. We do know, that most people use it as a feast day to celebrate life but that does not make it an unholy day for us to celebrate the birht of our heavenly Redeemer King.
        Grant you are so right to say that to cancel Christmas can be bad and good. That was the way some reformers looked at it.

        Many people who profess to be Calvinists are surprised to learn that while John Calvin was opposed to the bad things that have sometimes come to be associated with Christmas, he wasn’t against keeping the holiday as a celebration of the birth of Christ and saw it as a matter of liberty for the churches and the individual.
        Nico Engelbrecht


  1. We as regenerate people are to celebrate every day as christmas. GOD is willing to save sinners 365 days a year. As america becomes more heathen we need to be about the FATHER’S work DAILY. GOD’S timing is what matters, not what day christmas falls on .


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